

1. "hungry"的中文意思是“饥饿的”,也可以表示渴望的或者饥民。
2. 比较级是"hungrier",最高级是"hungriest"。
3. 例句1:“I'm hungry.”的中文翻译是“我饿了。”
4. 例句2:“The hungry child asked for a piece of bread.”的中文翻译是“饥饿的孩子要一块面包吃。”
5. 例句3:“Digging up the road is hungry work.”的中文翻译是“掘路是行郑使人容易饥饿的工作。”
6. 例句4:“She was hungry for news of her friends.”的中文翻译是“她渴望得到朋友的消息。”
7. 单语例句1:“It's a little like the Hungry Ghost Festival celebrated in the lunar calendar's seventh month is southern China.”的中文翻译是:“它有点像中国南部在农历七月庆祝的饿鬼节。”
8. 单语例句2:“It's interesting to see certain parallels with the Chinese ghost festival, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival in southern China and Southeast Asia.”的中文翻译是:“有趣的是,可以看到中国鬼节,也被称为中国南部和东南亚的饿鬼节,与某些平行之处。”
9. 单语例句3:“It finally gave up the chase and fled the grounds, but its luck ran out when it passed six hungry migrant workers.”的中文翻译是:“它最后放弃了追逐并逃离了现场,但当它经过六位饥饿的移民工人时,它的运气用尽了。”
10. 单语例句4:“Their real weapon is speed - they chase after prey and bring them down, but they have to be hungry.”的中文翻译是:“他们的真正武器是速度——他们追捕猎物并将它们捕获,但它们必须饿着。”
11. 双语例句1:“Hi, Mom. I`m hungry.”的中文翻译是:“嗨,妈,我饿了。”
12. 双语例句2:“The study showed that the hungry of AIDS patients risk of death is a better nutritional status of the six times.”的中文翻译是:“而研究表明,食不果腹的艾滋病患者的死亡风险是营养状况较好者的六倍。”
13. 双语例句3:“It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.”的中文翻译是:“它是指极小的愿望被实现了,或是当你饥饿的时候有吃的,或是当你需要爱的时候有人爱你。”
14. 双语例句4:“If I am a hyena I am a lean and hungry one: I go forth to fatten myself.”的中文翻译是:“如果我是一头鬣狗,我准是一只瘦弱,饥饿的鬣狗,我这就出发去喂肥自己。”
15. 双语例句5:“Why is it that I have fallen so low as to go hungry today?”的中文翻译是:“为什么我下降过低,挨饿呢?”
16. 双语例句6:“Buddhist phrase: hungry to eat, sleep on sleep.”的中文翻译是:“佛家语:饥来吃饭,困来眠。”
17. 双语例句7:“An artist to have a talk about the past, the lead dog and a monkey show go everywhere, no matter throughout the year can earn money with old artist from the hungry dogs and monkeys.”的中文翻译是:“一种说从前有一个艺人,领着一条狗和一只猴四处奔波卖艺,一年四季不管能不能挣着钱,老艺人到不让狗和猴饿着。”