
【摘 要】 今天的中国,无疑是在经历一个飞速发展和新旧交替的时代,城市规划建设每天都在进行,政府对土地的征用和居民拆迁当然难以避免。同时,拆迁纠纷急速增加,民怨逐步升温,也有待妥善解决。本文介绍了土地征用补偿制度历史源流、土地征用补偿制度的定义、特点和存在问题以及现有法律中关于土地征用补偿制度的规定等方面,浅谈了物权法对完善土地征用补偿制度方面自己的看法。
【关键词】 土地征用补偿制度;物权法;农民利益;

[Abstract] China today, is experiencing a rapid development and renewal at times, urban planning and construction in every day, the Government's land acquisition and demolition of the residents of course, it is difficult to avoid. At the same time, demolition of the rapid increase in disputes, grievances picking up gradually, and has yet to be properly resolved. This paper introduces the land requisition compensation system historical origins and land requisition compensation system definition, characteristics and problems as well as the existing laws on land requisition compensation system requires that the terms of the Property Law on improving the land requisition system of compensation own views.

【关键词】Land requisition compensation system;
Property Law;
The interests of the peasants;