
I am happy to report that based on the reviews below, I am accepting your manuscript for publication subject to mandatory changes. Please review the manuscript according to the suggestions of the reviewers (and include a separate ms word document explaining the changes made), format the paper according to the attached sample, fill out the copyright form you will see online for the publisher, and submit the manuscript and explanation back to me when completedPlease acknowledge receipt of this email and that you intend to revise the paper for publication.[hr][hr]

从邮件内容上来看,是让你修改。无论中英文都有修改后拒稿的可能。楼主还是认真根据意见进行修改吧。根据意见修改,既然让你修改,那就是修改后录用的可能性很大。~~~I am accepting your manuscript for publication subject to mandatory changes还是有机会被接收的。一个审稿人最后的意见是Revise and submit另外一个审稿人的意见是Accepted with minor revisions如果能按照要求修改还是有很大希望的,祝你好运~~~我可以告诉你:只要你把提到的问题解决了,按照要求提交修改文件,接收只是时间的问题。这是哪个EI期刊?修改了不一定能够发表,不修改一定不能的,所以楼主好好修改吧根据意见认真修改,就会中~祝福楼主~~~