
老师布置的作业,我英语不好,就麻烦大家了用英语给一家英语编辑社写一封信,叙述你暑假在长城上见到有游客用小刀在城墙上刻了许多字,对破坏名胜古迹的行为简叙自己的想法。 100词左右

Dear Mr. Reporters:
Hello! This summer vacation I went to Beijing, I found that Beijing is a very beautiful city, is also a modern city. But when I visit the Great Wall, see have visitors in the wall with a knife engraved many words. I think this is very bad, but also very immoral. This is not just a historic low quality of visitors, but also reflect. I think we should immediately stop this behavior, but also a Great Wall of appearance. So in the hope that you can according to the prevailing social phenomenon writing reports, the requirement of the whole society, people are able to love sites, protection of our ancestors left precious belongings.
A zealous of tourists 亲爱的记者先生:
一个热心的游客 (中文的是原创的,英文的是一键翻译的。= =建议下载"有道桌面词典",只要把中文输入进去,多长的文章都会给你翻译出来,很方便。)