
This book considers a possibility which humankind might face in the future, although it does so in a much different way than The Giver. Where The Giver takes place in a human future where scientists have created a society that seems utopian on the surface yet closely resembles a modern communist nation, Gathering Blue clearly takes place in a dystopian society. People live in primitive, animalistic ways and must revert to aggressive behavior to survive. Children (referred to as "tykes") are beaten and penned up like animals so that they do not interfere with the work of the adults. Those who are different (such as the physically deformed) are often killed. It is hinted at throughout the book that the communities are post-apocalyptic; at one point when Kira is looking at an embroidered robe, she notes cities all over being utterly destroyed, and rebuilt bigger and better, then destroyed again, and so on.

However, it appears that an outlet exists whereby the community might be re-created into a more fulfilling way of life. Some of the characters (Kira, Thomas, and Jo) are born with a mystical skill; a nearly magical unity with a certain craft or capacity. In Kira, thread and color seem to take on life of their own, creating wonderful and sometimes prophetic images. Thomas can do the same with woodcarving, and Jo with music. Thomas is a boy who is about Kira's age. They live close to each other in the rooms provided for them, and they often share their meals and days together. Their task is to preserve the historical record kept in the embroidery of a robe, the carvings of a staff, and the voice of a bard who bears these things.

Kira is often kept company by a mischievous boy called Matt (in the society, as a person ages, his or her name gains a syllable at certain intervals, including puberty, adulthood and the overall experience of becoming a man; when Matt felt that he was old enough, he added the second syllable himself), who looks to Kira much as he would look to a generous, indulgent, but uncorrupted older sister. It is Matt who unwittingly reveals the flaws in society to Kira, who conveys them to Thomas. Ultimately the artists realize that they were purposely made orphans by the Council of Guardians, the group which rules their community. Kira's mother, Katrina, dies of a mysterious illness that is not spread to any other person in the community, and her father, Christopher, is said to have been taken by ambiguously described 'beasts'. The said Council makes every deceptive effort to keep the artists under its control, usually by instilling fear.

Another means of control, not only of the artists but of the populace, is that of giving the people, through the historical record, cause to believe that their lives will never be more peaceful or harmonious than they are at present. The artists are directed to create certain patterns determined by the Guardians, rather than permitted to share their visions of the future.


这本书认为,一种可能性,这是人类可能面对的未来,虽然它这样做更以不同的方式,比赐予。而赐予发生在人类未来的科学家们创造了社会的乌托邦式的,似乎在表面上紧密合作,但类似于现代的共产党国家,收集蓝色清楚发生在一个反乌托邦的社会。人生活在原始的, 动物性的方式和必须回复到攻击行为的生存。儿童(称为“ 小孩子 ” )被毒打写起来像动物,使他们不干预工作的成年人。这些谁是不同的(如肢体变形) ,往往死亡。这是暗示在整个这本书认为,社区是后世界末日;在1点时,吉良是看刺绣长袍,她注意到,各个城市被完全摧毁,重建的更大,更好,然后再摧毁,等等。
吉良往往是保持公司由一个所谓的恶作剧的男孩马特(在社会上,作为一个人的年龄,他或她的名字收益一音节,在某些时间间隔,包括青春期,成年的和整体的经验,成为一名男子;时,马特觉得他是旧的还不够,他说,第二个音节自己) ,谁期待吉良得多,因为他会研究,以慷慨,放纵,但廉政建设的姐姐。这是马特谁无意中揭示了缺陷,在社会吉良,会传达给托马斯。最终的艺术家实现他们故意作出的孤儿由理事会监护人的,该集团哪些规则他们的社区。吉良的母亲,飓风,死亡的神秘疾病,这是不蔓延到其他任何人在社会上,和她的父亲,克里斯托弗,是说,已经采取了含糊其辞地描述了'兽' 。该理事会说,使每一个欺骗性的努力使艺术家在其控制下的,通常是由灌输恐惧开始。
第1个回答  2008-07-10

这本书考虑了人类未来可能面对的可能性,尽管它在作用方式上与《授者》(译者注:是一部人文科幻小说。作者洛伊丝•洛利,于1993年4月16日出版。 小说开篇构建了一个类似乌托邦的未来社会。随着情节铺展,逐渐幻化成反面乌托邦有很大的不同)。《授者》发生在一个未来,在此科学家们已经在表面创造了想乌托邦一样的,又非常像现代共产主义的国家。《蓝色集》清楚发生在一个反面乌托邦的社会。人们通过原始的,动物式本能的方式生活,而且必须反抗侵略性的行为才能生存。儿童(被称作“tykes”)像动物一样被抽打、被关起来,这样他们才不会妨碍成年人的工作。那些不同的人(比如体型上丑陋的)经常被杀害。全书都暗示着这些社会是后于世界末日的。从一点上可以证明:当Kira看着刺绣的长袍时,她注意到,各个城市被完全摧毁,然后更大、更好的城市被重建,然后再摧毁,如此往复。

注:如果是想练习练习翻译,我觉得还是自己多练练好,如果是想弄懂文章意思,多读几遍就应该差不多了。所谓书读百遍,其义自现。同时,应学会查阅工具书和利用网络工具获取详细信息,如文中Gathering blue你不妨看看维基百科。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gathering_Blue
第2个回答  2008-07-12
第3个回答  2008-07-10

第4个回答  2008-07-10