

1. You have just come back from your hometown. 你刚从你的家乡回来。
2. Where have you been, Jane? 你去了哪里,Jane?
3. Have you ever taken part in any activities to help children? 你是否参加过任何帮助儿童的活动?
4. Parents couldn't afford education for their children. 父母们负担不起孩子们的教育费用。
5. Our job was to grow cotton. 我们的工作是种棉花。
6. I had to divide my money into two parts. 我不得不一分钱分成两半来花。
7. Kangkang, you should feel satisfied with your life now. 康康,你应当对你现在的生活感到满意。
8. But China has developed rapidly in recent years. 但是中国在近几年里取得了飞速的发展。
9. Thanks to the government's efforts, Beijing, the capital of China, will host the 2008 Olympic Games. 由于政府的努力,首都北京将承办2008年奥运会。