


Arise, ye prisoners of starvation!

Arise, ye wretched of the earth!

For reason would be tyrannised no longer,

Nor chained in dungeons dark and deep.

Let the oppressor's wrongful reign be broken,

Beneath the heel of the workers' might!

A new world order shall arise,

From the ashes of the old, to shine bright.

No more the slave shall serve the master,

Nor the hungry wretch beg bread.

For the union of all workers shall be forged,

And the chains of oppression shall be dead.

Arise, ye workers, from your slumber!

Arise, ye slaves, and break your chains!

The day of reckoning shall come soon,

And the workers of the world shall reign.



歌词中的“Arise, ye prisoners of starvation! Arise, ye wretched of the earth!”(起来,饥寒交迫的奴隶!起来,全世界受苦的人!)呼唤着那些生活在贫困和压迫中的人们,激励他们挺起胸膛,勇敢地面对不公和苦难。这种呼唤具有强烈的感染力和号召力,让人们感受到革命的力量和正义的希望。

接下来,“For reason would be tyrannised no longer, Nor chained in dungeons dark and deep.”(再也不能忍受这残酷的压迫,再也不能让锁链束缚着我们的身心。)表达了工人阶级对于自由和尊严的渴望。他们不愿意再被束缚在黑暗的牢笼中,而是要挣脱锁链,追求自由和光明。

歌词还通过“Let the oppressor's wrongful reign be broken, Beneath the heel of the workers' might!”(让那压迫者的暴虐统治从此灭亡,让奴隶们起来把旧世界打个落花流水!)等词句,展现了工人阶级的力量和决心。他们不仅要推翻压迫者的统治,还要建立一个新的世界秩序,让正义和公平成为社会的基石。

最后,“Arise, ye workers, from your slumber! Arise, ye slaves, and break your chains!”(起来,饥寒交迫的奴隶!起来,全世界受苦的人!)再次强调了工人阶级的觉醒和反抗。他们不再沉睡于苦难之中,而是要勇敢地站起来,打破束缚自己的锁链,追求自由和幸福。这种坚定的信念和决心,让人们相信革命的力量和正义的胜利。
