


Some time ago, I finished reading Alice's adventures in the mirror.


The book mainly tells the story of a little girl named Alice who fell into a strange rabbit hole in her dream to chase a talking red-eyed white rabbit.


Then she encountered many strange things: her body can get bigger and smaller, cats can become invisible, caterpillars can smoke.

people in playing cards can play croquet, and the hateful queen always cries and beheads people ... Until finally, Alice collided with the queen and king of playing cards, and she woke up in a hurry.


This is an odd dream and a magical story. I like Alice because she is kind, lively and lovely, and she is compassionate and full of curiosity. Alice was brave, too. When the queen tried to cut off the gardener's head, she saved them. 

Alice is still a strong child. Whenever she encounters difficulties, she will think, "What's the use of crying? We must find a way to solve the difficulties."


I like this book, and I like the characters and strange animals in it. I want to learn from Alice, her kindness and loveliness, and her bravery and strength in my life.

我喜欢这本书,喜欢书里的人物和稀奇古怪的各种动物。 我要向爱丽丝学习,学习她的善良和可爱,在生活中还要学习她的勇敢和坚强。

第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-26
《 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 》 是英国的刘易斯.卡洛尔的著作,这本书主要写了善良可爱的小女孩爱丽丝的梦中奇遇记。作者以丰富的想象力,写出了这本奇特的 《 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 》 。此外,这本书里有两个大故事。一个是 《 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 》 , 另一个是 《 爱丽斯镜中奇遇记 》 。这两个长长的故事都有一个共同的特点,那就是里面所写的东西都希奇古怪,
在 《 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 》 和 《 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记 》 中,我更喜欢 《 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记 》 。应为我觉得 《 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记 》 的想象力更丰富多彩身不可测,所以我更喜欢 《 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记 》 。
在 爱丽丝镜中奇遇记 中,我最喜欢 爱丽丝王后 这章。这样的想象虽然遥不可及,但也是一种想象,美好的想象。

"Alice in Wonderland" is Britain's Lewis. Carroll's book, the book mainly to write a good little girl's dream Alice adventure in mind. To enrich the imagination of the author, wrote this strange, "Alice in Wonderland." In addition, this book has two big stories. One is the "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind." The two long stories have a common characteristic is that there are things written by Xiqiguguai,
Even this should not speak of anything will always say, but it seems that it is very natural.
Alice described by the author of the pure-hearted girl, ready to help others and be able to face the Xiqiguguai or when the animals looked calm, no surprise, the horrified expression, but also to add my daughter Alice was also a bit of courage, it is stated She is a calm and distress when they are calm.
In "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind," I like "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind." I think it should be "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind," the more rich and colorful imagination are unpredictable, so I like "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind."
Alice in the mirror adventure in mind, my favorite Queen Alice this chapter. Although such a far-fetched to imagine, but also a kind of imagination, a good imagination.本回答被网友采纳