

My hometown is in Lianjiang. It is a city in the state of Guangdong. The people here are mostly fruit farmers。Some of them work in the rice cooker industry. It is also one of the largest and most developed county in GuangDong.
Lianjiang is a traditional agricultural county. I live in one of the small town here in Lianjiang, the town has only one main road and the shops are located on both sides of the road. The shops are mostly owned by the local Chinese here. LianJiang is famous for its pig-rearing farms. The pigs are either slaughtered and sold at the local market or sold to the other towns.
Although our house here is not very big, but it is very comfortable to live in and I love my hometown very much.
My home in Yunnan, the United States and picturesque landscape of Yunnan.
Xiongqi spectacular deep canyon, Pentium river flow, waves Green Wave dense forest, bright red hills of Yamahana burning.
The legend of the beautiful ancient sounds, day and night, singing songs of Haofang, a large number of national unity, friendship, and happiness to their homes happy auspicious.
Lijiang, Yunnan, Xishuangbanna is beautiful
Welcome to Yunnan, the most beautiful place
i live in yushan. it's a quite community .ther are mang old people living here .mang families with yong children live here and mang students live here ,too.there are a lot of tall buildings and small gardens in my community . my home is inan apartment bbuilding. there are mang stores close to my home.the bank near pharmacy.
My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.
But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.
In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.
I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.
第1个回答  2016-01-26
个充满喧嚣与污浊空气的世界,今日路过的时候进去走走,却发现另外一翻景致。 圆形的花坛上栽种着数枝梅花,正是梅花的花季,花开得分外旺盛,紫红色的花朵映衬着节日的气氛,将周遭渲染的煞是喜庆。再加上高大参天的树干、已近傍晚却依旧明亮的天空还有柔和的阳光照射,让抬头观赏它的人整个心不由得明净起来。片片花瓣洒落在鹅卵石铺就的小径上,仿佛是大自然精心绣制的地毯。小径围成的区域里各种色调都有,各种我不知名的植物,比如像极了椰子树却又比椰子树还要好看的“怪树”,中央是一个美丽的水池。空地上有一些健身的设备,学校是开放式的,所以每到晚上七八点钟的时候就会有一群老人做健身操亦或是跳扇子舞。而此时,有一对年老的夫妇,老伯伯在老伴的搀扶下,走下轮椅,吃力的练习走路。 学校办公室后面的草坪上,一只可爱的小狗穿着漂亮的衣服在疯狂的撒欢;躺在各色推车里的宝宝,在爷爷的陪伴下,用一双双明澈的眸子打量着这个新奇的世界;还有一大群天真烂漫的孩子,和他们的父母在打着羽毛球。一切的一切都显得那么祥和,温馨的氛围感染着我,让我不忍心用自己的不愉快将它打破,但却又舍不得离开。真难以想象一墙之隔处就是嘈杂而又污浊的世界。 路边的坐椅上,有位白发苍苍的老人正借助老花镜看书。字是竖着排版的,于是我猜想她大概是在看圣经。看到她,我就想起我的外婆,想起小时候在除夕这一天陪外婆去灵隐烧头香的日子,想起外婆抚摩着佛经时流露出的一副虔诚的神情。什么时候能再陪外婆去一次灵隐寺?但愿今年春节能够如愿吧。 学校的宿舍楼下,摆着一棵漂亮的圣诞树,恐怕是今年圣诞节摆在这里的!上面挂满了小小的写满祝词的卡片。听说圣诞树是要在春节送给地中海贫血病的患儿的,展览出的图片上年幼的他们没有那个年龄该有的快乐纯真的笑,取而代之的是疾病折磨下令人揪心的面容。我选了一张淡蓝色的卡片,轻轻的在上面写下我的祝福,但愿上天赐予他们直面命运的勇气,在不寻常的人生路上走出非凡的人生。 好安静的除夕,没有了小学生疯狂玩闹的声音。想必此时的佛堂中,虔诚的佛教信仰者们正在诚心的祈祷。他们都有一颗静谧的心,在那静谧的心境里,这个世界是祥和的,世界上的万物亦如此。心境祥和的人看世界,世界同样祥和。
第2个回答  2016-01-26
at night, fatigue, lack of energy conditions, the body's immune system will fall, colds, gastrointestinal infections, allergies and other symptoms of autonomic nervous system disorders will not And to find you on the head. And often stay up late to bring direct symptom is confused work the next day, inability to concentrate, and even migraine headaches occur. Two hurt: stomach who burn the midnight oil crisis, it is easy to feel tired, eat "supper" can be a major source of vitality who stay up late, but may have detonated the stomach after the crisis, "supper", but also people have to worry, because life human gastric epithelial cells is very short, an average of 2-3 days to go renewable once updated. When this process is generally carried out at night to rest the gastrointestinal tract. If you often eat at night, without the necessary rest of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric mucosal repair impossible smoothly. And when you sleep at night, eat supper long stagnation in the stomach, can cause secretion o
第3个回答  2016-01-26
I am from Xiamen. It is a very beautiful coastal city. There are a lot of trees and parks. You can hear the birds chirp. It rains often. However, we have access to very fresh seafood. Gu Lang Yu is a very famous tourist attraction. It has become very popular and crowded in recent years.