急 求一篇不少于120个单词的英语作文 题目如下

For this part you are to write a composition in no less than 120words and you are required to base your composition entitled Nature or Nurture on the outlines given below in 第一个有些人认为先天更重要,因为……

1.My school life假如你是王海,请以My School Life为题写一篇60个词左右的短文。提示词:interesting, morning classes, subject, math, ball games, outdoor activities 要求:内容贴切,句意通顺,单词拼写正确,书写工整。2.假如你是Bob,今年18岁。你看到了一则招聘家教的广告。你在音乐、英语等方面有特长。请你准备一段自我介绍的面试演说稿。可适当发挥。词数60个左右,题目已给出。 题目:I'm Bob 3.你们一家人周末的活动(例如出去野餐,钓鱼或者在家的活动。)词汇:at the weekend,have a great tinme,4.要求:假设你这个星期天过生日.父母要为我举办生日聚会.以第一人称的来叙述5.用表格中的词作一篇英文作文,字数要求不少于50字In the past(在过去), now ,my city,narrow(狭窄的), wide(宽的), streets,old, tall,modern, buildings,not many ,everywhere, Trees and flowers,6.假设 Annie 喜欢安静的生活,而她的两个儿子需要上学,想找一处附近学校的房子。请你代Annie 给Paul回信。要求 50词 初一水平 我有了开头和结尾··· 开头 Tank you for your letter 结尾 Anyway, thank you all the same 7.My New Year’s Day内容:今天是元旦.早晨7:00起了床.7:30去跑步.8:00回家吃早餐.9:00开始做作业.12:00吃午饭.吃过午饭后.1:00开始午休.2:00起床.2:30去书店看书.5:00回家.6:00吃晚餐.7:00看电视.8:00洗漱.9:00上床睡觉.这就是我元旦的一天.8.my favourite star:介绍一位你喜欢的明星(成龙、贝克汉姆、布兰妮)9.self-introduction :自我介绍10.my favorite animal希望对你有用。
第1个回答  2013-08-25
some people think that entitled Nature is more important because we live on what we've got when we were born.this kind of ability or talent is very reliable and steady.We can totally use this to do something better than others and even you want to have the same achievement you have to devote much more efforts on it because you don't have the talent.Some people think that most good ability can be achieved during your life time,and they think the learning ability of people is unlimited and we can completely develop this advantage to gain more skills that are useful in our lives.Since one gets enough he is the final winner rather than the in-born talents.I think both of them are not so right,we all know that a successful man needs 70% 's efforts with 30% talent.So the most important thing is keeping learning as much as possible to getting approach the success but you must be also a talent somehow.And this a very important basic.otherwise you will have to doing much more thing than others if you want to success.