汉译英他们决定做一个关于刘翔的广告(decide , make)

24.他们决定做一个关于刘翔的广告(decide , make)
25. 大部份小孩子喜欢甜食,但这对他们的牙齿没有好处(most , have be bad for)
26.我们的晚会是以一首英语歌曲开始的。(start with)
27.吃完你盘里的食物是礼貌的(polite , eat up)
30.保持均衡的饮食对人们来说是很重要的(it’s , for ,keep)
31.他不但歌唱得好,舞也跳得好(not only .... but also ....)
33.那棵树太高了, 以至于我够不到树上的苹果(so that)
34.那架照相机太贵了, 以至我买不起它(expensive , afford)
35.他跑得如此快,以至于我们赶不上他(run , faot ,catch)
37.对于我来说计算出这道数学题是很困难的(it , difficult, work out )
38.老板不允许他们工作时穿便装(allow , wear)
39.在每个场合讲究衣着得体是很重要的(important, suitable)
40.中国以长城而著名是众人皆知的(know , the Great wall)
41.遵守交通规则是很有必要的(necessary , obey)

24.They decided to make an advertisement about Liu Xiang.
25.Most children like sweets, but it has bad for their teeth.
26.Our party start with an English song.
27.It is polite to eat up your food,
29.I will email to you 20 minutes later
30.It is very important for people to keep a balanced diet.
31.He not only sings well, but also dances well.
32.We will hold a fashion show next week.
33.The tree is too high so that I can't reach the apple on the tree.
34.That camera is too expensive, and I can't afford to buy it.
35.He ran so fast that we couldn't catch up with him.
36.It's necessary for students to design the school uniforms.
37.It's hard for me to work out this maths problem.
38.The boss didn't allow them to wear playsuit.
39.It's very important to wear exquisite dress.
40.China is famous for the Great Wall is known.
41.Obey the traffic rules is necessary.
42.To wear black clothes fat people look slimmer is correct.
