

seisesthesia 振动感觉
seismaesthesia 震觉
seismesthesia 振动感觉
seismic 地震的
seismic load 地震载荷
seismic acceleration 地震加速度; 震动加速度
seismic acceleration indicator 地震加速指示计
seismic activity 地震活动; 地震活动性
seismic amplifier 地震放大器
seismic analysis 地震分析
seismic area 地震带; 地震区; 震区
seismic belt 地震带; 地震区
seismic bending moment 地震弯矩
seismic center 震中
seismic coefficient 地震系数
seismic core phase 核震相
seismic cross-section 地震剖面
seismic data 地震数据; 地震资料
seismic degree 震度
seismic design 地震设计
seismic detector 地震检波器; 地震仪
seismic detector of the displacement 位移式地震检波器
seismic detector of the velocity type 速度式地震检波器
seismic digital amplifier 地震数字放大器
seismic discontinuity 地震间断面
seismic drill 地震孔用钻机
seismic dynamic load 地震动力载荷
seismic element method 地震元法
seismic exploration 地层勘探; 地震探测; 地震探查; 震波勘测
seismic exploration vessel 震波勘测船
seismic filter 地震滤波器
seismic floor joint cover 地面抗震缝盖板
seismic focus 地震震源
seismic force 地震力
seismic gap 地震活动空白地带
seismic geophone 地震检波器; 震波检测仪
seismic geophysical method 地球物理地震法
seismic hazard 地震危害性
seismic head wave 地震首波
seismic impulse method 脉冲地震法
seismic instrument car 地震仪器车
seismic intensity 地震烈度; 地震强度
seismic intensity scale 地震强度计
seismic investigation 地震探测
seismic load 地震荷载
seismic map 地震图
seismic measurement 地震测验
seismic method 地震勘探法
seismic method of exploration 地震法勘探; 震波勘测法
seismic method of prospecting 地震法勘探
seismic model 地震模型
seismic moment 地震力矩
seismic motion 地震活动; 地震运动
seismic origin 地震成因
seismic phase 震相
seismic processing 震波图分析
seismic profile 地震剖面
seismic profiler 地震剖面仪; 震波水下地形仪
seismic property 地震性质
seismic prospect(ing) 震波勘探
seismic prospecting 地震勘探; 地震探查
seismic prospecting system 地震探查装置
seismic prospector 地震预报仪
seismic reciprocity 震时互易原理
seismic record 地震记录
seismic record viewer 地震记录观测仪
seismic recorder 地震记录仪
seismic reflection amplifier 地震反射放大器
seismic reflection method 地震波反射法
seismic refraction 震波折射
seismic refraction method 地震折射法
seismic refraction profile 地震折射剖面
seismic regime 震情
seismic region 震区; 地震区
seismic regionalization 地震区划分
seismic restraint 耐震
seismic risk 地震危险性
seismic sea wave 地震海浪; 地震海啸; 地震海啸; 地震津波; 海啸
seismic sea wave apparatus 海啸仪
seismic section plotter 地震剖面绘图仪
seismic seiche 地震假潮
seismic shock 地震; 地震冲击; 地震震动; 震波冲击
seismic signal 地震信号
seismic sounding 地震测深; 地震测深法
seismic source function 震源函数
seismic spread 地震传播; 地震扩散
seismic stability 抗震稳定性
seismic station 地震台站
seismic stratigraphy 地震地层学
seismic stress 地震应力
seismic surface wave 地震表面波
seismic survey 地震测量; 地震调查; 地震探查; 反射法勘探
seismic travel time 地震波传播时间
seismic velocity 震波速度
seismic vertical 震中; 地震垂线
seismic vessel 震波勘测船
seismic wave 震波; 地震波
seismic wave path 地震波路径
seismic world map 世界地震图
seismic zone 地震带; 地震区
seismic zoning 地震区划分
seismic-electric effect 震电效应
seismicinstrument 地震仪
seismicity 地震活动; 地震活动度; 地震活动性; 震级
seismicity gap 地震活动空白地带
seismicity map 地震区域图
seismic-like event 似地震事件
seismicrophone 地震传声器; 地震接收器
seismism 地震现象; 震动现象
seismitron 岩层稳定测试仪
seismo-acoustic reflection survey 震声反射测量
seismoastronomy 地震天文学
seismocardiogram 心震图
seismochronograph 地震计时仪; 地震记时器
seismo-electric effect 震电效应
seismogenesis 地震成因
seismogenic zone 孕震区
seismogeological map 地震地质图
seismo-geology 地震地质学
seismogram 地震波曲线; 地震图; 震波图
seismogram interpretation 震波图解释
seismograph 地震记录仪; 地震仪
seismograph amplifier 地震仪放大器
seismograph drill 地震孔物探钻机
seismograph station 地震台站
seismographic 地震学的
seismographic observation 地震观测
seismographic observatory 地震观测站
seismographic record 地震记录
seismographic station 地震台
seismography 地震记录法; 地震学
seismolog (附有摄影设备的) 测震仪
seismologic consideration 震情会商
seismologic station 地震台站
seismological evidence 地震实迹
seismological observation 地震观测
seismologist 地震学家
seismology 地震学
seismomagnetic effect 地震地磁效果; 震磁效应
seismometer 地震计; 地震检波器; 地震仪
seismometer galvanometer 地震检波器检流计
seismometer pier 拾震器墩子
seismometer station 地震测站
seismonastic movement 感振运动
seismonastic turgor movement 倾震膨压运动
seismophysics 地震物理学
seismos 地震
seismoscope 地震波显示仪; 地震示波仪; 地震仪; 验震器; 验震器
seismoscope data 验震器数据; 验震器数据
seismoscope record 验震器记录; 验震器记录
seismoscope response 验震器响应; 验震器响应
seismostation 地震台; 地震台站
seismotectonic 地震构造的
seismotectonic line 地震构造线
seismotherapy 振动疗法
seismotropism 向震性
seissors fault differential fault 剪断层Strong earthquake damage so large, to show once again brought out. In the vicinity of the epicenter, and in some cities and villages, many houses collapsed and damaged roads, telecommunications disruption, many schools and hospitals have become ruins. Human vibrant homes, Zhuanshun between appalling. This is a natural disaster caused by difficult to avoid the tragedy, it is sad. And this kind of tragedy, and in fact the long history of human companions, Ruyingsuixing. Far not said that the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, despite the past 32 years but has remained a matter of fear. In 1998 the major flood disaster in 2003, the "atypical pneumonia" crisis, the end of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the recent tropical storm in Myanmar, have caused a large number of casualties and property losses. Human nature is no stranger to disaster, but when Wenchuan earthquake and the plain reality of the time, the natural power of human beings before the fragile, exposed completely. Wenchuan earthquake, the people to disaster areas has caused tremendous physical and mental suffering, but also makes the map as a small region, the people throughout the country the most about the place. As a so-called human life, compatriots suffering in some of the time, the country's grief out of the full performance. The international community has also expressed concern about the rapid and condolences. When a major earthquake has occurred, and aftershocks continued, the key word at this time only a matter of fact the word "save" and "assistance." In a sense, the "assistance" is also "save" an integral part. There is no doubt that relief has become China's current government and the people most important task. Disaster relief to save what » This seems to be without a thought. But in fact, the true meaning of disaster relief must be clarified. The primary task of relief, when in order to save lives. Compared with the life, property loss and post-disaster reconstruction and so has been relatively minor, or that include the rescue of property and the seismic reflection of the problem, should be moved back to "save lives" extremely important After that. In the earthquake disaster site to direct rescue of Premier Wen Jiabao said a word, "as long as both hands, will be able to rebuild their homes" - these words to the real interpretation of the true meaning of the disaster. In other words, this is also the Chinese government will as a primary task of saving the idea of the source. That is only one life, not to the other of alternative, the response must be to the fastest speed, with the GREatest efforts, even at the cost to take any means, "at any cost," the disaster areas to save people's lives. This means that the government-led rescue system should be the focus fell on the lives of the rescue. With the passage of time, the number of casualties will also continue to increase. Safety of the lives of tens of thousands of people, in fact, the most severe disaster order. As long as there's hope that the front line, who must rescue efforts to hundredfold, from the ruins in search for possible survivors, from under collapsed buildings in a rescue every life. It should be noted that not only rely on relief confidence, courage and a spirit of solidarity, but also rely on the professional rescue teams and technical configuration. Although available for disaster relief to everyone, but under certain conditions, relief is also a live technical, professional and strong, high-risk, large amount of labor. Can not fail to mention that Chinese soldiers once again played a "steel wall" role in the relief difficult conditions, the elite combat units in the affected areas to give full expression to the mighty army of glory. The young Chinese soldiers in the affected areas of the rescue scenario is indeed deeply felt the blood is thicker than water like fish and water deeply. Will save lives as the overriding priority, also means that aid must race against time, and death race. Those dying in the ruins of the life, is eagerly awaited relief. "Time is life," meaning, at this point has been the most vivid expression. Early into the second relief to the affected areas, we can save a life back. In the epicenter of local traffic inconvenience or even interrupted the circumstances, Premier Wen Jiabao asked the rescue team "is to walk as soon as possible into the most affected areas," highlighted the earthquake relief the importance of the concept of time. It should also be noted that the earthquake disaster relief is not just a matter of the Government. As the face of ever, a major natural disaster, the government's influence, life-saving operations, but also relies on public and non-governmental organizations surmount. Including encouraging the spirit of the people of disaster areas, material support, including positive and practical actions, such as blood donation, both will have a positive effect rescue operations. Wenchuan after the earthquake, many enterprises and individuals, has begun an emergency donation of property, to the most needed areas. Non-disaster areas the people's blessings and encouragement, people have fully felt the warmth and firm national strength. No Valentine's love of natural disasters. In a battle to save the lives of all people, the victory will come after a disaster test of the Chinese nation.
第1个回答  2013-05-07
Recently, the disater on the earth seems to be increasingly frequent. Such as the Ya An earthquake which took place several month ago. The whole country was haunted with the melancholy fog, during the tough period we confront the outcome of such catastrophe. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''后面就歌颂国家歌颂党对难民的援救吧
第2个回答  2013-05-07
Woo! Fuck you!
第3个回答  2013-05-08
Several days ago, a terrible earthquade hit Ya'an. Hundreds of houses lay in ruins. More than one hundered people were killed and more were injured. And most of them became homeless. Thanks to the help of our government and local people, many people were saved and many families gathered again.本回答被网友采纳