

第1个回答  2008-05-23



























In recent years, a very prominent problem of juvenile delinquency has aroused the attention the whole society, on how to prevent juvenile crime, experts, scholars and dedicated to the prevention of youth work staff put a lot of thoughtful approach, but still can not effectively Control the rising rate of juvenile delinquency. China promulgated the "People's Republic of China law on protection of minors" and "Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency Act," points out: the prevention of minor crimes with minors should be of different ages, physical, psychological characteristics, strengthen the minors Legal education, psychological treatment and crime prevention measures. Of juvenile delinquency be held criminally responsible, the implementation of education, probation, to save the principle of upholding the main education, supplemented by the principle of punishment. According to the effect: on Zhangping City, Fujian Province, since 2002, the city has 85 of 140 juvenile delinquency cases, of which 28 5 robbery, theft of 36 of 48, creating trouble 28 and 15, deliberately 6 hurt five people, three of extortion eight people, two of kidnapping two people, trafficking in women and a five people, one a rape, deliberate killing one person. Juvenile crime rate compared with previous years showed an upward trend.

First, juvenile delinquency status

(1) the nature of the crime, the most prominent crime of theft. [1] Many young people seeking to eat, drink, play, music and other material enjoyment, it wants to reaping without sowing, from the thieves, small loss to theft crime, followed by the snatch, robbery, creating the large number of troublemakers, and other crimes; again, , Is to imitate the masters of film and television in the crime means that the hero, unscrupulous, regardless of the consequences Huidao crime, which committed intentional homicide, intentional injury or death to people, such as serious crimes.

(2), from forms of crime, two or more increase in the number of common crime. As some young people dropping out of school prematurely, do nothing, Langji street, it three, five groups, to help pull partnership, often gathered together smoking Distr

Liquor to make trouble and to exchange experience in crime. Some imitate video film of the triad organizations, the establishment of gangs or groups of

In the attention that the juvenile was some yellow, pornographic audio-video products and poisons and unable to extricate themselves, in order to find fine

God stimulation, and armed with knives, armed violence against girls interception.

(C) from criminal means, the means of cruel crime, crime serious consequences. A city juvenile homicide, the boy watched watches murder, killing one person need to calculate how long, is also preparing to kill after kill End second person. Some means of juvenile crime has reached intelligent, mature.

Before the carefully planned crime, repeatedly Caidian, select the opportunity to prepare tools for committing crimes; crime, a clear division of labour, with the attention of others will have use of surveillance means some people commit a crime of a few, but circumstances are relatively serious.

(D) from the crime age, the gradual trend younger age. Subject to criminal penalties in the minors are full 14-year-old under the age of 16 the number gradually increased, but not because of dissatisfaction with 16 years of age and criminal penalties under the age of 14 is not criminally responsible if the number of people also account for a considerable proportion. Some teenagers from 10-13 years of age began to embark on the path of crime.

(5) the identity of crime, most of the number of teenagers dropping out of school.

Second, the reasons for juvenile delinquency

(A) social realities and the ugly phenomenon of young people from time to time, the corrosion of pure souls.

Young people can not be separated from the colorful life and full of all sorts of temptations Taiqianshijie. Today's society it is inevitable residual traces of the old society, in some dark corner of the emergence and spread a number of reform and opening up, economic development and the building of spiritual civilization is not proportionate and ugly phenomena. [2] First, to the many university graduates can not find a job, a serious impact on young people's interest in school, have Yanxue emotional, often truancy, employment difficulties, some young people do nothing day, the course of time on Xiedao the second is Television, the Internet dissemination of health, violence, obscenity and other ugly things Third, the reform of the social divides between rich and poor, all the money, and so do not look at the normal concept of the impact of four is the community theft, robbery, Huang gambling, assault, pornography Criminal cases, such as the nurture. If this year with the kidnapping case. Criminal suspects Lin Zhen-hong, Jiang Jiang saw wood in the Hong Kong chapter, "Chachinantao", by the impact of Cheung Tze-keung, will be in real life imitating Cheung Tze-keung practices of kidnapping, abduction of a Zhangping Wu's father-in-law of private property owners in an attempt to extort 600,000 huge sum of money.

(B) not the right family education to the children of the difficult treatment of personality disorder.

The family is the first class young people, parents are the first teachers, the proper family education to the healthy growth of young people is extremely important. Not the right ... in the formation of young people's psychological personality disorder, not a correct outlook on life. Plays a subtle influence on behavior in the role.

First, parents do not and, make divorce, often quarrel, even abusive language mouth and chaos at home Shuaidong Xi, the psychological harm caused to young people; Second, the poor families, usually very little pocket money to children, young people caused Qutou, and looting; 3 Is the parent education method is simple and crude, the children's fault, academic performance is not satisfactory, is not playing scolded, do not respect the child's personality, in which under high pressure, the child's psychological abnormalities; four parents disorderly conduct, not engaged in decent work , Often alcohol, gambling, which has seriously affected children the world the formation of a doting children, as one child for Zhangshangmingzhu, to meet the physical, neglect of the ideological and moral education, Jiaoshengguanyang, with the passage of time, encourage the children Selfishness and luxury; six parents did not fulfill the statutory obligations of guardianship, do not care about their children, is allowed to develop unchecked, critics say. Young people in this unhealthy home environment ears Wenru witnessed, over time, so that they loneliness, of inferiority, resentment, arrogant, easily be used by bad guys, easy to embark on the path of crime.

(C) the lack of schools for pupils of a comprehensive development of the good environment.

First, the quality of education has been implemented for many years, but many schools also keen on the exam-oriented education, the rate of one-sided pursuit of education, neglect of moral education, for some basic social common sense, reason and life norms of social ethics education insufficient and the other is the lack of legal education Few of the students on the Fazhi Ke, to the legal system such as Blackboard to popularizing education in three specific lack of education with practice, beyond the stage of blindly, ignoring the characteristics of young people grow up and accept the capacity of Man Tangguan so that students have emotional Yanxue And even some of truancy; Fourth, some teachers岐视backward hygiene, at every turn on the so-called criticisms, even personality is an insult, greatly hurt the hearts of the young students, affected the physical and mental health; Fifth, the impact of the market economy, Some schools have to pay the weekend makeup makeup fees, not to participate in makeup, considered inferior, a pessimistic, forming abnormal psychology; six schools is the lack of contact with parents, communication, the students did not grasp the psychological, emotional changes, the students can not be timely The negative symptoms of the problem inhibited 7 class teacher is the lack of Benban students understand and care about the students in the absence of a comprehensive master; eight teachers is the lack of scientific methods of education, to take some of corporal punishment in disguise, causing some students leave school, dropping out of school, Even stray community. Students in such an environment in the study, most on Xielu.

(D) of young people's own physiological and psychological characteristics of life easier on the wrong track.

Young people in physical and psychological growth and development stages of the criminal mind has its unique characteristics. [3] the crime of young people from the psychological characteristics of view, there are several common crime psychological characteristics:

1, on the characteristics of cognitive

Crime awareness of the characteristics of young people, and in their unique outlook on life, ethics, law and order concept, and other aspects. Young people is the core of the two pillars of the spirit and concept of the three. Three misconception is: flee to dominate the concept of the hero, anarchy and the freedom of low-level view of life. With anti-social tendencies of life of young people will lack the correct political beliefs and lofty ideals. Loss of the socialist youth from the ignorance of the development of the socialist opposition and dissatisfaction, and some do not seem to have thought antisocial, but there is a subconscious, and society "Duizhao Gan," the ingredients.

Young people have serious moral flaw, or that the moral of the exploiting class vicious development, they did not think of the interests of the whole society. The vast majority of young people have a weak legal concept, or is a blank. They advocated freedom of extreme personality, personal desires without any social constraints and enforcement of the brave, heroic and flee, recklessness confused. In addition, youth crime, there is a return to self-thus prove their behavior is reasonable, that is, their various criminal acts have a legitimate reason.

2, emotional characteristics

The emotional experience of junior and vulgar. Their feelings, and their uncontrolled eating, drinking, playing music, such as the desire to meet or linked to, this was their pleasure, unrestrained desire to further increase production. The emotional impulse and instability. Some young people in the criminal act is the emotional impulse to the circumstances. There is a strong emotional impulse, blast rainstorm as the feelings of experience, on the psychology of that passion, as a result of illegal crime of passion that crimes of passion. As the community to take their hostile attitude, as inferiority complex and feel that people around them all the time reprimanded themselves, particularly their psychological sensitivity, passion is very conspicuous, that is easy to have a passion and difficult to self-control, which lead to crime, thus the Illegal and criminal activities often with sporadic, sexual brutality.

Feelings of loneliness and paranoia. Young offenders have a sense of loneliness, feel that they are unwanted in society, whether as a result of crime and experience, isolation, loneliness or because of the crime, they do strongly aware of their society, as close neighbors with Bai Yan.本回答被网友采纳