请将以下论文摘要翻译为英文: PS:哪位大神帮下忙,不要用翻译软件哦。保证正确率,给分不是问题~

【关键词】第三者 配偶权 法律责任

看在<江苏美女>份上, 我帮你译...不需要给分! o(N_N)o
"As the social, economic and cultural development evolves, the human ideas and concepts also follow suit. In our monogamous system, we observe that more and more "third persons" appear to discrupt others' valid marriages, and therefore usurp the rights and benefits of the innocent party of a marriage. This phenomena have seriously impaired the family harmony and social stability. The necessity to regulate the "third persons" through enactment has become more urgent. The lacuna of the system of "no-fault divorce" currently in practice in our law of marriage, and intentional usurpation of the spouses' rights has caused some spouses and/or the "third persons" (who usurp the spouses' rights) to bear reduced or negatived legal responsibility.

This study attempts to critically examine the relevant issues of the "third persons" on the marriage relationships, the definition (interpretation?) of the spouses' rights and the legal responsibility of the "third persons". The outcome of the examinations is to raise the awareness and attention of the public, so that they will have the self-realization to defend and protect the legal rights and benefits of their marriages. This will in turn preserve the married families' harmony and strengthen the harmonious society which is based on socialism. [ends].追问



拼写校正: As the social, economic and cultural development evolves, the human
ideas and concepts also follow suit. In our monogamous system, we
observe that more and more "third persons" appear to disrupt others'
valid marriages, and therefore usurp the rights and benefits of the
innocent party of a marriage. These phenomena have seriously impaired the
families' harmony and social stability. The necessity to regulate the
"third persons" through enactment has become more urgent. The lacuna of
the system of "no-fault divorce" currently in practice in our law of
marriage, and intentional usurpation of the spouses' rights has caused
some spouses and/or the "third persons" (who usurp the spouses' rights)
to bear a lesser or no legal responsibility.
This study
attempts to critically examine the relevant issues of the "third
persons" on the marriage relationships, the definition
(interpretation?) of the spouses' rights and the legal responsibility
of the "third persons". The outcome of the examinations is to raise the
awareness and attention of the public, so that they will have the
self-realization to defend and protect the legal rights and benefits of
their marriages. This will in turn preserve the married families'
harmony and strengthen the harmonious society which is based on
socialism. [ends].



第1个回答  2013-05-03


第2个回答  2013-05-03