
吴承恩的个人简介,如下。但求英文版!吴承恩(1501年-1582年),字汝忠,号射阳山人。汉族,淮安府山阳县(今江苏省淮安市楚州区)人。中国明代杰出的小说家,是四大名著之一《西游记》的作者。 出生于一个小官吏降为小商人的家庭。父吴锐,字廷器,卖“彩缕文羯”,“又好谭时政,竟有所不平,辄抚几愤惋,意气郁郁”。吴承恩自幼聪慧,喜读野言稗史、志怪小说,“尝爱唐人如牛奇章、段柯古辈所著传记,善模写物情,每欲作一书对之”,“髫龄,即以文鸣于淮”,颇得官府、名流和乡绅的赏识。嘉靖八年(1529),吴承恩到淮安知府葛木所创办的龙溪书院读书,得到葛木的赏识。朱应登认为他“可尽读天下书”,而“以家所藏图史分其半与之”,嘉靖二十九年(1550年)大约40岁才补得一个岁贡生[2],到北京等待分配官职,没有被选上,六年后,由于母老家贫,去做了浙江长兴县丞,常与友人朱曰藩豪饮,寄趣于诗酒之间,和嘉靖状元沈坤,诗人徐中行有往来。终因受人诬告,两年后“拂袖而归”,晚年以卖文为生,约六十七岁时到过杭州,大约活了将近80岁,晚景凄凉。

WuChengEn (1501 - in 1582, word, RuZhong) reflected. Han, huaian ShanYangXian mansion (jiangsu), huaian chuzhou. Chinese Ming dynasty distinguished novelist, was one of the original author of "journey to the west". Born in a minor official in small businessmen family. Father WuRui, word, sell "colour Byzantine of wen jie", "good politics, unexpectedly is uneven tan, there is always a rebound stroke and turns." look behind gloomy WuChengEn was smart, like reading novels, the novel "wild words," tang NiuJi as taste love DuanKe chapter, the old generation, good MoXie WuQing biography, for each of the ", "TiaoLing, namely to WenMing in huai", pode rulers, celebrities and the squire recognition. Eight (1529), Ming WuChengEn to establish the GeMu magistrate huaian college study, get GeMu stream of appreciation. Zhu should put that he may try to read the book ", "and" in Tibetan history house figure and the half, twenty-nine years (in) jiajing 1550 about 40 to fill an old native [2] to Beijing for distribution, no elected, six years old, as the poor, do XianCheng zhejiang changxing, often with a friend, zhu SAN yue drinking wine in between, dull and jiajing ShenKun scholar, XuZhongHang poets have intercourse. For being falsely accused, two years later, "and" the old, kiss xiu, MaiWen to live at the age of 67 to hangzhou, about 80 years old, live nearly WanJing desolate.
第1个回答  2019-05-18
第2个回答  2013-04-18
没问题马上问你解答WuChengEn (1501 - in 1582, word, RuZhong) reflected. Han, huaian ShanYangXian mansion (jiangsu), huaian chuzhou. Chinese Ming dynasty distinguished novelist, was one of the original author of "journey to the west". Born in a minor official in small businessmen family. Father WuRui, word, sell "colour Byzantine of wen jie", "good politics, unexpectedly is uneven tan, there is always a rebound stroke and turns." look behind gloomy WuChengEn was smart, like reading novels, the novel "wild words," tang NiuJi as taste love DuanKe chapter, the old generation, good MoXie WuQing biography, for each of the ", "TiaoLing, namely to WenMing in huai", pode rulers, celebrities and the squire recognition. Eight (1529), Ming WuChengEn to establish the GeMu magistrate huaian college study stream