
#7 Bad Navigation
This one is very important, this is how your users navigate your site. The usability of your site is paramount when it comes to design decisions. If users can’t figure out how or where to get their information on your site they will look elsewhere. Be sure that the navigation for your site is expansive and relevant. Jakob Nielsen has said that the more navigation available on the page the better chances the user is going to find a relevant link to the information they are interested in. Users don’t mind skimming, they are actually pretty good at it as long as you make the navigation as prominent on the page as possible.
#8 Load time You can have the best content on your subject on the internet, with a great design… But if you don’t properly optimize your site users will grow tired of waiting for pages to load. You want to take several steps to ensure your site loads as quickly as possible. The top ways you can do this are by optimizing your images properly for the web so that the files are as small as they can be without losing visible quality.
You also want to try your best to minimize HTTP requests on your site, especially if the site is popular. Another thing you can do is to use various methods of caching your pages, especially for dynamic sites. You can also compress your pages so that the code make appear unreadable to people but browsers will render it the same, but with significantly less file size. Line breaks work well for people and mean nothing but bits and bytes to browsers. Try using Yslow for Firebug to analyze load time, file size, and ways to optimize your site’s performance. #9 Website Accessibility This one is often looked over because there aren’t many in the web design field that are disabled. It is, however, important to ensure that you are accommodating as much as you can those that are. It can be very frustrating for people with sight disabilities to come across meaningless alt attributes, undeclared navigation and misleading content flow. Understanding how screen readers work is the first step to becoming a better web designer and making your sites accessible to people that are visually impaired. #10 Contact Information
Every website needs to have an easy method to allow users to contact them through. You need at least two ways for users to contact you that are easily found and well marked. Best-case scenario is three ways to be contacted but not all websites require that level of interaction. The more ways that you provide for contacting the better your site is viewed to the world.
谢谢哦 不能用在线翻译哦

This一是非常重要的,这是您的用户怎么驾驶您的站点。 您的站点的实用性是至高无上的当谈到设计决策。 如果用户can’t推测或得到他们的关于您的站点的信息他们怎么在哪里在别处将看。 请务必您的站点的航海是膨胀和相关的。 Jakob ・尼尔森说更多航海可利用在页越好机会用户发现一个相关的链接到信息他们感兴趣。 只要您在页使航海一样突出尽可能,撇取用户don’t的头脑,他们在它上实际上是相当好。
#8装货时间您能有在您的主题的最佳的内容在互联网,有伟大的design…的,但是,如果您don’t适当地优选您的站点用户将增长疲乏对等待的页装载。 您想要采取几个步骤尽快保证您的站点装载。 您能做此的顶面方式是通过适当优选您的图象为网,以便文件是一样小的,象他们可以,无需丢失可看见的质量。 特别是如果站点是普遍的, You也想要设法您的最好使在您的站点的HTTP请求减到最小。 您能做的另一件事是特别是动态站点的使用贮藏您的页各种各样的方法。 您能极大也压缩您的页,以便代码做看上去不值一读对人,但是浏览器将回报它同样,但是与较少文件大小。 线断裂为人很好运作并且意味位和字节对浏览器。 设法使用Yslow为了纵火犯能分析装货时间、文件大小和方式优选您的site’s表现。 #9网站可及性这一个经常看,因为那里aren’t是残疾的许多在网络设计领域。 保证是,然而,重要的您是包容的,和您能是的那些一样多。 它可以是非常令人沮丧为人以视域伤残遇到无意义的alt属性、未申报的航海和引入歧途的美满的流程。 了解屏幕读者工作怎么是第一步对适合一位更好的网设计师和使您的站点容易接近对是视觉减弱的人。 #10联络信息
Every网站需要有允许一个容易的方法用户通过与他们联系。 您需要是容易地被找到和识别清楚的用户的至少二种方式能与您联系。 佳情形情景是三种方式被接触,但是不是所有的网站要求互作用的那个水平。 越多方式您为与越好联系提供您的站点被观看对世界。