

哪位英语强人帮忙翻译一下 不胜感激

In recent years, with the constant development of China's economy, the Government's continuous improvement, the Government's civil service has become many people's minds the ideal job. Compared with previous years, the civil service system continued to improve, but there are still some problems. In the civil servants concerned on the issue of its national civil service examination system is an important component of the system.
Civil service performance appraisal can be used as the promotion of civil servants, incentives, training and appointment to provide a scientific basis, the management of civil servants is an important part of. In my assessment of the existing civil service performance appraisal system, there is a fuzzy set appraisal standards, performance assessment of incentives in place, a single performance appraisal system, performance management deficiencies and other issues still need to improve, in order to solve these problems, we must proceed from the system, Institutional, and governmental organizations in their own analysis of its causes, and so, at the same time, learn from the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, Singapore, and the relative maturity of the civil service examination system, further refinement by quantitative assessment indicators, clear assessment methods, standardized examination procedures, rational use of Examination results, and other improvements.