

Book 6 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析
11-15 CBABC 16-20 ABBAC
21-25 CCACB 26-30DACAB
31-35 CDDCA 36-40 EFGBA
41-45 DBCCA 46-50 CDBBC
51-55 DCBDB 56-60 DCDBA
61. moves 62.fourth
63. buying 64.where
65. for 66.surprised
67. to keep 68. treatment
69. what 70.done
71. ... always study hardly ...
hardly → hard
72. ... take break ... break前加a
73. ... all belong to ...
all → both或者去掉all
74. ... chess team than ... than → to
75. ... and as usually ... usually → usual
76. ... because of he knows ... 去掉of
77. ... to winning this game. winning → win
78. ... doesn't hear ... doesn't → don't
79. ... are concentrated on ... concentrated → concentrating
80. ... Jack had won ... had → has
One possible version:
Dear Mike,
I'm glad to hear you're studying at a newschool. There is no doubt that it is very important to get along well with yourroommates. I'd like to give you some advice about it.
Firstly, communicating with each other is agood way to keep a good relationship with your roommates. If you exchange ideaswith them frequently, you can learn more about their personalities and habits,and then misunderstandings can be avoided. Besides, by sharing happiness andsorrow, you will get closer to each other. What's more, I suggest groupactivities be held at weekends, such as going swimming or climbing a mountain.These activities can help strengthen your friendship.
Hope my advice will be useful and wish youa happy life in your new school!
Li Hua

A篇 (学校生活)
本文是应用文。文章是对争取晚睡晚起权利的美国学生Jilly Dos Santos的采访。
21. C。推理判断题。根据下文Jilly举行会议说服教育委员会更改提议可知,这位老师是鼓励学生们在面对不喜欢的事情时要勇敢地表达自己的观点。
22. C。篇章结构题。根据上文的speak to the schoolboard, prepare for the meeting和下文的30 students came to support me, and the board liked ... 可知,此处的it指上文Jilly组织的会议。
23. A。细节理解题。根据Jilly说的There is scientific research aboutteens and sleep和the boardliked that I didn't get emotional and just provided the evidence可知,Jilly通过提供科学证据成功说服教育委员会取消将上课时间提前的决议。
24. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段Jilly能及时完成作业、不需要熬夜到很晚、很少迟到和早上上课的学生人数增加可知,学校推迟上课时间后,学生的精力变得很充沛。
B 篇 (人际关系)
25. B。细节理解题。根据第二段的His answer was simple:look for the best in other people可知,Richard Branson成功的关键在于他有博大的胸怀,总看别人的长处。
26. D。推理判断题。根据第五段的The greatest leaders inthe world have taught forgiveness. Perhaps the most extreme example is NelsonMandela可知,举曼德拉的例子就是为了说明伟大的领导者身体力行,告诉我们什么是宽容。
27. A。推理判断题。作者在倒数第二段提到,人生短暂,我们没必要纠结于过往的是是非非,应该忘记以前的不快,修复人与人之间的关系,和谐相处。
28. C。标题归纳题。本文借Richard Branson之口告诉我们要宽恕别人。根据第四段他所说的even if youthink it was their mistake, give them a call. Befriend them. Go out to lunchwith them是文章的主旨。故C项标题Invite your enemies to lunch切合主题。
C篇 (社会)
29. A。词义猜测题。根据第一段的The three couldn't stoplaughing — and soon theuncontrollable laughter spread to their classmates可知,这三个女生引发了这场笑病的流行。故可推断应选A项。
30. B。推理判断题。根据第二段的The education of thechildren is being seriously affected and there is great fear among the villages可知,当地人对这种疾病感到恐慌。
31. C。推理判断题。根据第三段的The religious boardingschool where the laughter began was marked by strict rules, windowless dorms,and very uncomfortable chairs designed to correct students' posture可知,该校的环境让人无法忍受。
32. D。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,Rugliyama认为,得笑病的人是想通过大笑表达心中对周遭环境的不满,他们没有其它的方式表达这种情绪。
D篇 (健康)
33. D。推理判断题。根据第二段Denisa Livingston说的make people ... more aware oftheir food choices. “This is a friendly awareness tax,”可知,她希望这项税收政策能够唤醒纳瓦霍族人对食物选择的意识。
34. C。细节理解题。根据第三段的About 24,600 Navajotribe members face obesity, and type 2 diabetes has developed as a growingpublic health concern可知,纳瓦霍族人正面临严峻的健康问题。
35. A。主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了纳瓦霍族政府推行的一项致力于提高人民健康的法案,以及该法案的支持者Denisa Livingston的个人看法。
本文是记叙文。文章介绍了让微笑绽放在病房的小丑医生Hunter Adams。
36. E。E项中的he did things in a different way与下文列举的he didn't like the doctors' white coats, so he wore shirts withflowers on them相呼应。
37. F。根据下文Hunter Adams装成小丑给医院的孩子们带来快乐可知,他认为病人需要的不只是药品。
38. G。G项中的a place指上文Hunter Adams成立的医院The Gesundheit! Institute。
39. B。本段是对Patch Adams这部电影的介绍与评价,B项符合语境。
40. A。Robin Williams在电影Patch Adams中饰演了Hunter Adams,根据他对Hunter Adams的评价a really warm person可知,他非常愿意扮演Hunter Adams。

41. D。根据下文描述的交友、教育、空间探索以及污染问题等可知,此问卷调查是关于未来“生活(life)”的。
42. B。根据本空后的fears以及下文描述的未来生活的不同方面可知,问卷结果显示了人们对未来生活的“期许(hopes)”和担忧。
43. C。根据下文的one of the most importanthuman relationships和People will make friends through the Internet可知,此处是说未来的“友谊(friendship)”会发生巨大的改变。
44. C。根据本段描述电脑对人们的影响可知,到2050年,电脑将变得“必不可少(necessary)”。
45. A。“一些人认为电脑是最好的朋友”和“有些人认为人与人之间将变得更加孤立”之间是转折关系,故选however。
46. C。“缺少真实的人际交流”是“人们变得更加孤立”的原因,故选because。
47. D。根据下文描述心算变得没有必要可知,未来的教育也会“改变(change)”很多。
48. B。49. B。由于电脑的普及,某些“技能(abilities)”,如心算,将没有必要。甚至用手写字也会变得过时。a thing of the past指过时的事物。
50. C。根据下文的robots will be doing thehousework可知,未来家庭生活将变得“更简单(easier)”。
51. D。根据下文的we might only cook for fun inthe future可知,到2050年人们基本不做饭,而是吃“已经做好的(ready-made)”饭。
52. C。根据下文的man will regularly visit Mars可知,未来的太空探索将非常“流行(popular)”。
53. B。根据上文的Most people believe可知,50%的受访者“相信(believe)”人类会定期拜访火星。
54. D。根据下文的Some fear that ...可知,环境污染让很多人“担心(worry)”。
55. B。56. D。本段指污染带给人们的影响。有些人担心如果环境“继续(continue)”变糟糕,在地球上居住将变得“不可能(impossible)”。
57. C。环境污染使得有些人“预测(predict)”有一天呼吸干净的空气也需要付费。
58. D。对未来生活,人们一方面担心环境污染,而“另一方面(On theother hand)”则对基因工程充满期待。
59. B。根据上文的be quite optimistic可知,有一些人相信科学家可以利用遗传工程“防治(prevent)”诸如癌症和艾滋这样的疾病。
60. A。根据上述调查结果以及作者的结论try to make it abetter place可知,作者认为我们应该“照顾(look after)”好地球。
61. moves。考查一般现在时。此处描述的是一般情况,故用一般现在时。
62. fourth。考查序数词。设空处修饰单数名词child,故填fourth。
63. buying。考查动词-ing形式作状语的用法。She与buy之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且buy所表示的动作与谓语所表示的动作同时发生,故填buying。
64. where。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰country且在从句中作状语,故填where。
65. for。考查介词。provide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物。
66. surprised。考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处作表语,且表示“感到惊奇的”,故填surprised。
67. to keep。考查不定式作后置定语的用法。the right to do sth.做某事的权利。
68. treatment。考查名词。设空处被medical修饰,故填名词treatment。
69. what。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句且在从句中作宾语,故填what。
70. done。考查动词-ed形式作后置定语的用法。do与damage之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且该动作已完成,故填done。

A篇 (自然)
1. D。细节理解题。根据第一段的The nation's fishingindustry continues to increase和第二段的the abalone, a shellfish that has become the centre of amulti-million-dollar industry可知,阿曼的渔业在很大程度上依靠鲍鱼产业。
2. C。细节理解题。根据第三段的Once, abalones werebrought to the surface in the hope that they contained beautiful pearls可知,过去人们捕捞鲍鱼是为了获得珍珠。
3. A。段落大意题。本段第一句Abalones live in shallowmarine waters with rocky-bottom conditions即主旨句。本段主要是对鲍鱼生长环境的介绍。
4. A。推理判断题。根据第五段的They can only survivesuccessfully in areas where cold, nutritious water rises from the sea bed和第六段的As these winds sweep thesurface, the rich cold water from the depths of the Arabian Sea can easily rise可知,季风期海底冷水上升,使只能在海底冷水中存活的鲍鱼快速生长。
5. D。写作目的题。本文主要是对阿曼南部佐法尔省鲍鱼的生长和捕获情况的介绍。
B篇 (购物)
6. D。细节理解题。根据第二段的The idea was to testthe power of word-of-mouth marketing ... document how the Morgensons' circle offriends responded to brands and products the Morgensons brought into theirlives可知,作者的团队进驻Morgenson的家是为了做一个关于口碑营销的市场调查。
7. C。词义猜测题。根据划线部分后的the operation donesecretly和powerfulhidden persuader可知,摄像机和话筒是“被藏”在家具里的。
8. C。细节理解题。根据第三段的There's nothing quiteso persuasive as observing someone we respect or admire using a brand orproduct可知,当看到朋友正在使用某产品时,人们更易去购买该产品。
9. B。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的The most persuasiveadvertising strategies are strengthened by word-of-mouth advertising和最后一段的the real marketing power aremouse-clicking consumers and their wide circles of real-life friends可知,作者通过调研认为口碑营销具有很大的影响力。
10. B。文章出处题。本文主要介绍了作者通过市场调查发现口碑营销更具有说服力,故本文最可能出现在报纸的商业版块。