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企业国际化战略对财务管理的挑战与创新2006年12月01日 星期五 下午 03:51——专访上海国家会计学院副院长谢荣


谢荣(以下简称“谢”)国际化战略主要指商品市场和各类生产要素资源配置的国际化。实施国际化战略的一个主要原因是各国各类资源优势的不同和企业管理能力的不同,通过各类资源要素和管理能力要素跨国界的配置,使企业的能力得到最充分的发挥,使国际社会获得更多的财富。在过去20 多年改革实践中,我国企业的国际化战略主要体现在引进国外资本、技术和管理经验促进生产能力的提高和促进市场体系的发展等方面。随着我国企业生产能力、管理能力的快速发展和增强,企业实施“走出去”的国际化战略已成为提高企业可持续发展能力的一个重要手段和途径。










在整个国际化战略进程中,财务人员需要发挥作用的另一个重要方面就是监督。现代企业管理的发展已经表明监督并不仅仅是对财务资源的监督,它需要财务人员结合企业战略目标,识别出实现企业目标的关键成功要素(Critical Success Factors,CSFs),从而设计关键业绩指标(Key Performance Indicators,KPIs),并对关键业绩指标实施监控,以确保企业战略目标的实现。














新:几年前,中国人着手国际并购几乎闻所未闻。过去一年间,这一切开始改变 “猎物”成了“猎手”。从2004年12月开始,联想、海尔、中海油和中石油的一系列交易和竞标,标志着中国加入了全球并购浪潮。但中国企业的海外并购战略面临一些重大的风险,这些企业又缺少海外运营经验,这些都是需要考虑的问题。请您就此谈谈您的看法。




管理风险是指国际化战略制定和实施过程中的风险。根据美国科尔尼公司的统计,大约只有20%的并购案实现了预期目标,其余80% 的并购多以失败而告终(2006.1.1 经济观察报)。管理上的风险要求企业加强战略和流程的管理,塑造核心竞争力,并且能够将核心竞争力转移到其他市场。




谢:综上分析,中国企业实施 “走出去”战略需要的是战略型、经营型的财务人员,他们必须理解企业的整体战略,并且积极为制定正确的战略目标贡献力量;他们能对公司战略的有效实施提供积极的支持,为公司经营目标的实现创造有利的条件;他们能对公司目标的实现情况进行有效的评估,以客观考核各地子公司的经营业绩和对公司战略目标提出调整建议。同时,他们还要明了国际化战略与公司远景战略之间的联系,能够进行有效的行业分析、对目标收购公司进行估值,需要熟悉现代风险管理技术,需要理解和运用国际会计准则以及所在地的会计准则等等。


总之,国际化战略对财务人员提出了更高层次的挑战,财务人员必须从各方面更新自己的知识结构和技能才能够胜任新的角色 (《新理财》 )
International Enterprise strategy for financial management challenges and innovation on December 1, 2006 Friday afternoon 03 : 51 -- interview with the Shanghai National Accounting Institute in Ljubljana, vice president of the new fiscal (hereinafter referred to as "new") : TCL2002 years from the acquisition of German Schneider Electric, Lenovo's purchase of IBM's global PC business. American companies Haier and Konka Kang U.S. companies established in the United States, many enterprises in Hong Kong, New York and other successful listing Some Chinese enterprises have been in the implementation of the "going out" strategy. Do you think the internationalization of Chinese enterprises strategic What is the objective? Ljubljana (hereinafter referred to as "Xie") international strategy mainly refers to commodity markets and various factors of production allocation of resources on an international scale. Implementation of the international strategy is a major cause of all the resources of all kinds of different strengths and capabilities of enterprise management, through various essential resources and management capacity factor of the cross-border distribution, the ability to enable enterprises to the fullest play, enable the international community to get more of the wealth. In the past 20 years of reform and practice, China's international strategy is mainly reflected in the introduction of foreign capital, technology and management experience for the improvement of productivity and promote the development of the market system, and so on. As China's production capacity and management capability of rapid development and strengthening, enterprises to implement the "going out" strategy of internationalization has become enhance capacity for sustainable development as an important means and ways. Enterprises to implement the "going out" strategy is the basic objectives : (1) by expanding the product market, enhancing the survival and development space. Use of local resources, and low-cost advantages and specific technical advantages, adoption of a large scale domestic enterprises to expand exports to the existence and development space, often enterprises "going out" strategy the most direct target. And the implementation of this strategy requires enterprises to maintain the production advantages. (2) Use of the international allocation of resources, and improving the return on capital investment or production of investment returns. Through active international market and within the scope of the international allocation of resources to improve return on capital investment or production of investment returns, realize the long-term sustainable development, usually enterprises "going out" strategy in the fundamental objectives. And the implementation of this strategy in enterprises often requires a higher level of management capacity, and standardized the operation of enterprises and more familiar with the international market. New : think of some industries in the recent domestic feverish price war, in comparison with foreign countries and domestic commercial credit the relative missing, Do you think enterprises take the path of internationalization to do with this? Xie : enterprise real competitive advantage comes from two aspects : strategic positioning and operating effectiveness. Some industries, which are more representative of the home electrical appliance industries, as most enterprises are not unique strategic positioning, just rely on the efficiency to beat his opponent, and will eventually lead to both parties. In such circumstances, if the wish to rely on the international price competition to reduce the extent of, in essence, it is very difficult to achieve the desired results. Therefore, I think the price war is the promotion of an international factors, But the international strategy with the corporate strategy of positioning itself together. Domestic commercial credit Compared with the mature markets is relatively scarce, this is an indisputable fact. In essence, the lack of commercial credit and lack of vision, values, and the resulting strategic positioning has a direct relationship. With a strategic vision of the company would be about values and ethics. In the situation, the international market will also use the opportunity to promote the strategic goal. So our commercial credit the relative lack itself is not going to become international in 2001, on the contrary, International strategy will be to promote the development of our commercial credit improvements. New : "going out" to become an international company, and many Chinese enterprises, is a plodding thorns still dreams will not come true history of suffering. As accounting experts, what do you think are the business strategies of the international financial should play what role? Xie : With the development of information technology, financial officers from the traditional heavy task for the accounting of extricating themselves. According to the modern enterprise development, financial officers should be more strategic in the development of the formulation and implementation of enterprise contribution. Modern strategic theory and practice of development also tells us that enterprise strategy formulation and implementation of the entire company staff, particularly in senior financial managers for their active participation. On the international strategy, because of its unique complexity, and importance of, First, financial officers should be actively involved in the international market macroeconomic environment, including international political, economic, social and technological development of environmental analysis and environmental industries, to ensure that the strategic decision to establish the scientific basis and the effective risk control strategies for enterprise financial impact. Secondly, financial officers should be actively involved in the internationalization of the implementation of the strategy, especially related to business development and international financing, investment and financial management of the linkages between them. If the acquisition as a strategic goal of reaching a means, the need for staff to participate in the sale of the financial goals of the choice, to be the targets of acquisition, due diligence, due diligence on the basis of valuation, and were the targets of acquisition talks and raising the financial resources to complete the acquisition transactions. Throughout the strategy of internationalization process, and financial officers need to play a role in another important aspect is supervision. Modern enterprise management has shown the development and supervision of financial resources is not only the right supervision, It needs financial officers in conjunction with enterprise strategic goals, identify target enterprises the key success factors (Critical Success Factors. CSFs), thus the design of key performance indicators (Key Performance Indicators. KPIs), and the implementation of key performance indicators for monitoring to ensure that the corporate strategy objectives. New : to enter the international market in a number of ways are available : the use of brokers may, or may directly to the foreign exports; can establish their own brand, but also to do the OEM; can be occupied by the export target markets, could also take the form of transnational investment in local production. Indirect export, direct exports, foreign direct investment, access to foreign markets Several methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Do you think the business should be selected for their entry? On the impact of financial management? Xie : Enterprise chose to enter the international market by many factors. As I emphasized earlier, the internationalization of enterprises have their own vision of strategic links while its competitive strategy linked. On the operational level of competition strategy, enterprises need to consider the specific operational cost is a leading difference, or a focused strategy; on the corporate level strategy, enterprises need to consider is using international localization, globalization, globalization and localization of the combination. In the basis of the above considerations, the choice of the specific needs of enterprises to enter the international market of the way. Initially, the products for export is a better choice, because you do not need to engage in foreign investment in professional capacity, only need to invest in distribution. Export, licensing agreements and strategic alliances is a good early market approach to development. If it is to be achieved on the international market is more favorable position on the need to purchase and the establishment of new subsidiaries, This usually appear in the international strategy in the late stages. In some cases, different means may be used were from the export of new subsidiaries; In some other cases, in different markets using several different (but not all) ways to enter. The final choice is the way of competitive conditions, the National Environment, the government regulations, and the company's unique resources, capability and core competitiveness of the combined factors of the results. As for the right way to enter the financial management, suitable for early stages of the entry way, Basically, there is no operation of enterprises have an actual effect, the increase in sales is mainly credit and foreign exchange risk management. For the late stages of the right way to enter the financial impact is comprehensive, Group requests to the financial management methods and techniques to deal with all kinds of risks. New : many Chi