


Ren Changxia a monument to the hearts of the people profiles: Dengfeng City, Henan Province Public Security Bureau, in the implementation of the mandate of the female police officers who died that she was on the Central Plains has a heroine. 


Sweep uproot evil, getting rid of her Untouchables; being, distress relieve the less privileged, she Rouchang 100 turn. 


Ten-mile Long Street, white flowers wins snow, clouds rolled scroll, which is the mobile monument in the hearts of the people! 


1 Ruonv Zi to win the people's love, because, in her heart there is the most pious respect for the right people!






第1个回答  2021-09-26

When in Rome the pope stopped to pray for the President’s recovery and immediately sent him a personal message with his prayers and hopes.


These were worrisome times. It had not been so long before, during a Vatican meeting with an aide to the pope’s secretary of state, that William Casey left with a final word of caution.

这是令人担忧的时期。不久前,在梵蒂冈与教皇国务卿助手的会晤中,威廉·凯西(William Casey)最后一句谨慎的话离开了。

The CIA station in Rome had passed along a curious, and perhaps important, piece of information. When Lech Walesa had visited the pope, his host had been a man from the Italian Labour Confederation.


The CIA had been told by Italian counter-intelligence officials that the host was working for Bulgaria. Since Bulgarians were under the control of the Soviets, this could either mean that Solidarity’s plans were compromised or that Walesa was in danger.


On May 13, 1981, at 5 pm, the pontiff emerged for his weekly general audience in St, Peter’s Square. After entering the open “popemobile”,the pontiff was riding around the colonnade. His aide Stanislaw Dziwisz was next to him.

1981年5月13日下午5点,教皇出现在圣彼得广场,接受每周的普通听众。进入开放式“教皇车”后,教皇正在柱廊周围骑行。他的助手Stanislaw Dziwisz就在他旁边。

Suddenly Dziwisz heard a deafening noise, and pigeons all over the square took flight. Then the pope slumped against him.


“I knew the Holy Father was hit”, Dziwisz says “but there was no sign of blood or a wound on him . Then I asked him. ‘Where?’ he replied, ‘In my stomach.’”


The pope had been wounded in his stomach, right elbow and index finger of his left hand. He was transferred to an ambulance, which sped him to a hospital.


“Mary, my mother! Mary, my mother!” the Holy Father kept repeating. His eyes were closed, and he was in great pain, At the Gemelli Clinic the pope was rushed first to a tenth-floor room reserved for a papal emergency and then to an operating room.


He’d lost a great deal of blood, and because his condition was critical, last rites were administered.

