

My home. In my eyes,my home is like the arms of an angle where I can find some comfort, or a heaven where I can explore the source of true happiness. When I'm alone, or when I'm wery or sad, I find the sunshine coming from the freedom that you can never feel elsewhere Yes, I'm free at home. And when I want to be left alone, home gives me room and makes me feel peace. When I want love from family, home is a real source. I feel the happiness that my heart feels when staying with my partents and brothers and sisters. A place of safety, a place that keeps you away from hurt, lasting hurt. It replaces it with comfort, love, respect and all the other wonderful things from the bottoms of the hearts of your family members, making you forget competely what has hurt you. It heals all. I love home, a irreplaceable place for ever. a wonderful heaven full of warmth and love, a place that heals all hurts我的家。在我眼里,我的家就像角落哪里可以找到一些安慰,像是天堂,我可以探
第1个回答  2013-05-24
My home Have a look at this photo.This is my family,we have a happy home.In the morning,we play tennis,it is very interesting.In the afternoon,we play basketball,it is very tired but we are very happy.In the evening,we watch TV shows,the sports show is very great but a little bit boring. This is my home,a happy home. 我的家 看一看这张照片。这是我的家人,我们有一个快乐的家。在早上,我们打了网球,打网球非常有趣。在中午,我们打了篮球,打篮球非常累但是我们都很开心。在晚上,我们看了电视节目,体育节目非常好但是有一点点无聊。 这就是我的家,一个幸福快乐的家。本回答被网友采纳