写一篇英语的作文,按要求写,无字数要求,【初一上册水平】 要求:题目 My______teacher


My favorite teacher
My favorite teacher is Miss Li. She is my English teacher .She is very beautiful and she is kind to us.She teaches us very well. I like her very much. So I like English.追问



So of all my teachers I like Miss Li best. She is my favorite teacher.I think I will be an English teacher like her in the future .(好久没上网了,刚刚才看到你的追问)

第1个回答  2013-02-01
My teacher is baiduyixia and his knowledge is stored in baiduzhidao. My teacher had also teached many students to bullshit their way to graduation
第2个回答  2013-02-01
my english teacher
Miss Li. is my english teacher,and she is a very nice person.Everytime when i have some problem she will help me.

Once, when i feel terrible on my english exam,she asked me to go to her office.she told me one thing and i dont feel bad any more,she told me:"if you work hard ,nothing can be afraid."
and now i was remember what she said.