


Of the three children, Roberta was the oldest and mother's favorite. His brother's name is Peter. He wants to be an engineer. His youngest sister's name is Phyllis. My mother played with my children every day, helped them with their homework, and wrote stories for them.


father was a government senator, never angry, and a "perfect father" who spoke fair. The whole family lived happily. But one night, a terrible thing happened at home. father was taken away.


After disappearing for a few days, their mother sold her house in London and moved to a place in the country called The Three Chimneys. In the country, my mother could only write novels in the attic. 


Experienced many interesting and thrilling thing, on one occasion, they went up into the mountain to pick wild cherry, suddenly found the mountain landslides, blocked the railway, and the train is coming soon after the train stopped, frighten fainted.


after a lot of things, they found the old gentleman is a high level of government officials, They asked the old gentleman to help them reinvestigate their father, and at last they got him out, and they lived happily and sweetly.


After reading this story, I learned the Pitt's bravery, bobby's wisdom, but I learn more when people have to each other, met with two strangers can also ask a good each other.


Is to let children take the train to father greetings, there is an old gentleman also wave to them, but now different, nearly all people's attitude is very cold, People are wary of each other, there is rarely a trust in the hearts of people. 


In those days, even three little children asked a strange old gentleman for something, and the old gentleman gave them something. 


Wasn't that a kind of trust? Are people happy or unhappy living in modern society? Anyone who reads my article will definitely choose the latter.

