
从公元前3世纪至公元15世纪,中国古代的航海业和航海技术,一直处于世界领先水平。,如郑和七次下西洋的壮举,历史性地开辟了亚非海上航路,传播了中华物产和中华文明。古人还留下了众多描写海洋的诗词作品,如 “海不辞水,故能成其大” “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海” “海上生明月,天涯共此时” “海纳百川,有容乃大”等等,足见海洋一直以来都是中华文化的渊源和重要组成部分。 这段话翻译成英语真心难啊~请高手出手了,在线等

第1个回答  2013-03-07
From third Century BC to fifteenth Century BC, the ancient Chinese seafaring and maritime technology, has been in the leading level in the world. Zheng He, such as seven 's feat, history of the sea routes opened up in Asia and Africa, the spread of the Chinese products and Chinese civilization. The ancients also left many poems describing the ocean, such as " the sea not demit water, so it can become bigger and bigger " " ride the wind and cleave the waves will sometimes, Ji Yun-Fan sea " " the sea the moon, horizon altogether this time " " all rivers run into sea, tolerance is a virtue " and so on, which shows the ocean has always been sources of Chinese culture and an important part of the.
第2个回答  2013-03-03
From third Century BC to fifteenth Century BC, the ancient Chinese seafaring and maritime technology, has been in the leading level in the world. Zheng He, such as seven 's feat, history of the sea routes opened up in Asia and Africa, the spread of the Chinese products and Chinese civilization. The ancients also left many poems describing the ocean, such as " the sea not demit water, so it can become bigger and bigger " " ride the wind and cleave the waves will sometimes, Ji Yun-Fan sea " " the sea the moon, horizon altogether this time " " all rivers run into sea, tolerance is a virtue " and so on, which shows the ocean has always been sources of Chinese culture and an important part of the.追问

