secret garden英文翻译


神秘园是一支著名的新世纪音乐风格的乐队,它由挪威 作曲家兼键盘手(罗尔夫. 劳弗兰)和爱尔兰女小提琴手(菲奥诺拉.莎莉)组成。1994年, 他们在欧洲歌唱大赛中初次相遇,那时劳弗兰已是知名的词曲作家,由于对音乐有着难以想象的相同的理解,他们走到了一起。1995年,他们的探路之作《夜曲》一举夺得欧洲歌唱大赛冠军 1996年4月推出首张专辑《来自神秘园的歌》大获成功,影响遍及世界各地。乐队溶合了爱尔兰空灵飘渺的乐风以及挪威民族音乐及古典音乐,乐曲恬静深远,自然流畅,使人不知不觉便已溶入其中。

“有一次,一个男孩和一个女孩被带到了一片幽深的森林之中,并被父母抛弃在那里。因为他们的父母无法再继续喂养他们了。但是,在进入森林的路途中,聪明的男孩在路上撒下了许多白色的石子。夜幕降临,月亮的光芒照亮了这些白色的石子。石子反射出的光线则带领孩子们逃出森林,到了安全的地方。”这就是带给罗尔夫.勒夫兰(Rolf Lovland,挪威作曲家和键琴家)与芙露娜.雪莉(Fionnuala Sherry,爱尔兰小提琴家)以“神秘园”灵感的故事,知道“神秘园”的人对这个故事都不会陌生。


Rolf Lovland

Fionnuala Sherry

Secret Garden Music Band’s Introduction

Secret garden is a well-known style of the new century music band, which by the Norwegian composer and keyboardist (Rolf. Lao Fulan) and the Irish female violinist (Feiaonuola. Shali). 1994, the European singing contest in the initial encounter, then Lao Fulan is already well-known writer of lyrics, the music is difficult to imagine the same understanding, they come together. 1995, the Pathfinder's "Nocturne" Singing in one stroke to win the European Championship in April 1996 launched her first album, "Secret garden from the song" great success, influence around the world. Irish band Ronghe Konglingpiaomiao of musical styles and Norwegian folk music and classical music, music tranquil far-reaching, of course smooth, into which people unconsciously already.

"Secret garden," the name of dubious origin
"One time, a boy and a girl was taken to the deep and serene forest, where abandoned by their parents. Because their parents no longer be able to continue feeding them. However, the road into the forest, smart Boys on the road cast a lot of white stones. As night fell, the moon light to illuminate these white stones. Stones reflecting the light led the children to escape the forest, to a safe place. "This is the give - Erfu. Lovland (Rolf Lovland, Norwegian composer and key Kum home) and Fu Luna. Sherri (Fionnuala Sherry, the Irish violinist), "Secret garden" inspired by the story, know that "Secret garden" of the people This story is not unfamiliar.

Band members

Rolf Lovland
Lovland was born in the southern Norway town of Kristiansand, his talent as early as the nine-year-old composer was established in his first band at the show out. Since then, music has been accompanied by his younger days, he became an important part of life. He later Kristiansand in the music school, the Norwegian Academy of Music and obtained his master's degree in music. Lovland had received such as the Norwegian Grammy Awards and many other awards, also known as Norway's most successful pop music writer. Secret garden to set up a portfolio of more Lovland the inspiration to tap deep-seated feelings of the music, making his career Chipin composer of music in a broader field. In combination plays a repertoire of his creation, arranger and keyboard, such as playing an important role, is the soul of Secret garden.

Fionnuala Sherry
Sherry grew up in an Ireland of a musical family, was born in Kildare in the Irish town of Naas. She nurtured from childhood to all, the music had a great interest in Ireland after graduated from the University College of Music. Apart from the classical symphony and concerto performances, Sherry also get involved in their own interest to a wide variety of music themes. Before the establishment of the Secret garden, Sherry has well-known Irish singer-Niaokangnuo Fanmonisen the album and made accompaniment. Secret garden in the performance of the band, Sherry superb unique violin performances of the composer will Lovland brought in the mood reflected, it is pleased with Chang.
第1个回答  2008-05-04