
<b>我要的是中文翻译 不是答案 看清楚</b><b>I met Mrs. Neidl in the ninth grade on a stage-design team for a play and she was one of the directors. Almost instantly I loved her. She had an Unpleasant voice and a direct way of speaking, 36 she was encouraging and inspiring. For some reason, she was impressed with my work and me.</b><b> Mrs. Neidl would ask me for my 37 . She wanted to know how I thought we should 38 things. At first I had no idea how to answer because I knew 39 about stage design! But I slowly began to respond to her 40 . It was cause and effect: She believed I had opinions, so I began to 41 them. She trusted me to complete things, so I completed them perfectly. She loved how 42 I was, so I began to show up to paint more and more. She believed in me, so I began to believe in myself.</b><b> Mrs. Neidl's 43 that year was, "Try it. We can always paint over it 44 !"I began to take 45 . I had been so afraid of failing but suddenly there was no failing--only things to be 46 upon. I learned to dip my brush into the paint and 47 create something.</b><b> The shy, quiet freshman achieved success that year. I was 48 in the program</b><b>as "Student Art Assistant" because of the time and effort I'd put in. It was that year that I 49 I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing stage design. </b><b> Being on that stage-design team 50 Mrs. Neidl changed me completely. Not only was I stronger and more competent than I had thought, but I also 51 a strong interest and a world I hadn't known existed. She taught me not to 52 what people think I should do: She taught me to take chances and not be 53 . Mrs. Neidl was my comforter when I was upset. Her 54 in me has inspired me to do things that I never imagined 55 . </b><b>36. A. and B. yet C. so D. for</b><b>37. A. opinion B. impression C. information D. intention</b><b>38. A. make B. keep C. handle D. change </b><b>39. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing</b><b>40. A. questions B. comments C. explanations D. remarks</b><b>41. A. hold B. follow C. evaluate D. form</b><b>42. A. happy B. lively C. reliable D. punctual</b><b>43. A. message B. motto C. saying D. suggestion</b><b>44. A. again B. more C. instead D. later</b><b>45. A. steps B. control C. charge D. risks</b><b>46. A. improved B. acted C. looked D. reflected </b><b>47. A. easily B. carefully C. confidently D. proudly</b><b>48. A. introduced B. recognized C. identified D. considered</b><b>49. A. confirmed B. decided C. realized D. acknowledged</b><b>50. A. with B. below C. of D. by</b><b>51. A. developed B. discovered C. took D. fostered</b><b>52. A. accept B. care C. judge D. wonder</b><b>53. A. bored B. lazy C. sad D. afraid</b><b>54. A. trust B. patience C. curiosity Do interest</b><b>55. A. accessible B. enjoyable C. possible D. favorable </b><b></b>

</ B> <b>我遇到了夫人Neidl在九年级的一出戏的舞台设计团队,她是其中一名董事。几乎瞬间,我爱她。她有一个刺耳的声音和直接的方式来讲,36,她是鼓舞和激励。出于某种原因,她与我的工作和我留下了深刻的印象。</ B> <B>夫人Neidl会问我为我的37。她想知道,我想我们应该38的事情。起初,我不知道该怎么回答,因为我知道39关于舞台设计!但是,我慢慢地开始回应她的40。这是因果:她相信我有意见,于是我开始至41。她相信我能够完成的事情,所以我完成了他们完美。她喜欢我是42,所以我开始出现,越画越多。她相信我,让我开始相信自己。</ B> <B>夫人Neidl的43年,“试试吧。我们可以随时油漆过的44个!”我开始45。所以我一直害怕失败,但突然有没有失败的 - 唯一的东西,是46后。我学会了我的刷子蘸油漆和47创造的东西。</ B> <B>害羞,安静的大一取得了成功的一年。 </ B> <b>和“学生艺术助理”因为我放进去的时间和精力,这是这一年在节目中我是48,我49,我想用我的余生做舞台设计。 </ B> <B>夫人Neidl 50,舞台设计团队,彻底改变了我。我不仅更强大,更能干,比我曾想过,但我也51了浓厚的兴趣和一个我不知道的世界存在。她告诉我不要52人认为我应该做的:她教我的机会,而不是只有53岁。 Neidl夫人是我的安慰,我很不高兴。她54我启发了我做的事情,我从来没有想过55。 </ B> <B>的36。 A. B.尚未C.因此D. </ B> <B> 37。 A.意见B.印象C.信息D.意向</ B> <B> 38。 A.使B.保持C.柄D.更改</ b> <B> 39。 A.什么B.东西C.一切D.没有</ B> <B> 40。 A.问题B.意见C.解释D.备注</ B> <B> 41。 A.持有B.,遵循C.评估D.表单</ b> <B> 42。 A.高兴B.活泼C.可靠性D.准时</ B> <B> 43。 A.信息B. C.格言说D.建议</ B> <B> 44。 A.,而不是再次B. C. D. </ B> <B> 45。 A.步骤B.控制C.主管D.风险</ B> <B> 46。 A.改进看着B.行为C. D.反映</ B> <B> 47。 A.轻松B.仔细C.自信D.自豪地</ B> <B> 48。 A.推出B.确认C.确定D. </ B> <B>的49。 A.确诊B.决定C.实现D.承认</ B> <B> 50。 A.与B. C.,D. </ B> <B> 51以下。 A.开发B.发现C. D.培养</ B> <B> 52。 A.接受B.护理C.法官D.难怪</ B> <B> 53。 A. B.懒惰C.难过无聊D.害怕</ B> <B> 54。 A.信任B.耐心C.好奇心的兴趣</ B> <B>的55。 A.访问B.愉快C.可以D.有利于</ B> <B> </ B>
第1个回答  2013-02-06
第一次遇到Neidl太太是在一个舞台剧,设计团队的第九级,她是一个导演。我几乎立刻就喜欢她。她有一种不愉快的声音和直接的说话方式,36她是鼓舞和激励。由于某种原因,她是我的工作给我留下深刻的印象。</b> <b>夫人Neidl会问我的37。她想知道我认为我们应该38点。起初我不知道如何回答,因为我知道39舞台设计!但我慢慢开始回应她的40。这是因果关系:她相信我有意见,所以我开始41。她相信我能完成的事,所以我完成它们。她爱我是多么的42,所以我开始出现油漆越来越多。她相信我,所以我开始相信自己。</b> <b>夫人Neidl 43那一年,“试试它。我们可以把它的44!”我开始服用45。我一直害怕失败,但突然没有失败的唯一的东西是46—。我学会了用画笔蘸漆和47创造的东西。</b> <b>害羞,安静的新生取得成功。我是在48计划</b> <b>作为“学生艺术助理”,因为我想把时间和精力在。这是这一年,我49,我想用我的生命做舞台设计的休息。</b> <b>正在对这一阶段的设计团队50夫人Neidl彻底改变了我。不仅是我的能力比我想象的,但我也51了浓厚的兴趣,我甚至都不知道。她教我不要52人们认为我应该做的:她教我去冒险,而不是53。是我的Neidl夫人当我难过的时候。54她激励着我去做,我从来没有想象过的55件事。</b> <b> 36。A. B. C. D.还因此</b> <b> 37。A. B. C. D.意见印象信息意图</b> <b> 38。A. B. C. D.保持手柄改变</b> <b> 39。A. B. C. D.什么东西都没有</b> <b> 40。A. B. C. D.发表评论的问题说明</B> <b> 41。A. B. C. D.形式持有遵循评价</b> <b> 42。A. B. C. D.活泼快乐的可靠准时</b> <b> 43。A. B. C. D.消息格言说建议</b> <b> 44。A. B. C. D.后再多而</b> <b> 45。A. B. C. D.风险控制措施负责</b> <b> 46。A. B. C. D.改进行动看上去反映</b> <b> 47。A. B. C. D.自豪地仔细地</b> <b> 48。A. B. C. D.考虑确定了公认</b> <b> 49。A. B. C. D.确认决定实现承认</b> <b> 50。A. B. C. D.与下面的</b> <b> 51。A. B. C. D.发现了开发培养</b> <b> 52。A. B. C. D.怀疑法官接受护理</b> <b> 53。A. B. C. D.害怕悲伤无聊懒</b> <b> 54。A. B. C.信任耐心好奇会兴趣</b> <b> 55。A. B. C. D.访问愉快可能有利</b> <b> </b>