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在我小时候 有一次去阿姨家玩。在回来的路上。由于公共汽车司机打瞌睡。所以我们的汽车开得很不平稳。 最后还是翻倒在了路边的田沟里面,我被吓得浑身发抖。现在回想起来还是一种难忘的经历。很惊险 很刺激!

One time in my childhood home to Auntie play. In the back on the road. As the bus driver dozing. Therefore, we do not the car was very smooth. Finally overturned in a roadside ditch inside the field, I was scared every tremble. Looking back now or a memorable experience. Very dangerous very stimulating!
第1个回答  2008-05-07
One time in my childhood home to Auntie play. In the back on the road, the bus driver dozing, so we do not the car was very stable and finally overturned in a roadside ditch inside the field, I was scared every tremble. Looking back now or a memorable experience, very thrilling, very stimulating!
第2个回答  2008-05-07
In my childhood , one time we are going to play to Auntie`s house .
In the back on the road, As the bus driver dozing. Therefore, we don`t drive the car was very smooth.
Finally overturned in a roadside ditch inside the field, I was scared every tremble.
Looking back now that it is a memorable experience. It is very breathtaking and stimulating!