Civil Right

Should we be civil when trying to obtain civil right? 急需一篇英文文章关于这个题目的,尽量在500字以上!一千字以内!拜托!

  每个人生而平等,生而自由,这是联合国人权宣言的第一条。我国《宪法》第三十三条规定,“中华人民共和国公民在法律面前一律平等,任何公民享有宪法和法律规定的权利”。到底什么是平等,学理上的看法也可能大相径庭。但一个简单的诠释是,平等的反面就是歧视。所以我们再问,什么是歧视?所谓歧视,就是社会对待一个人的态度不是根据他的行为,而是根据他的身份。在这个案件中,法律根据张某隶属于某一个群体,而不是根据张某的工作能力和个人表现,去剥夺他的考核资格。这就是歧视,是对整个乙肝病毒携带者群体在报考公务员时的歧视。歧视一个人的后果是什么,就是你从今后再怎么努力都没有用。因为你的某一种身份(血缘、籍贯、身高、疾病)可能是与生俱来的,是与你的自由意志和个人奋斗无关的。而歧视的意思,就是否定一个人的自由意志和个人奋斗。因此歧视在本质上是一种令人绝望的力量。 A right to equality.
Each is born equal and born free, this is the first of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. China's "Constitution," the thirty-third article stipulates that "The People's Republic of China citizens are equal before the law, every citizen is entitled rights under the Constitution and the law." What are equal in the end, an academic's view may be very different. However, a simple interpretation is the opposite of equality is discrimination. So we ask, what is discrimination? The so-called discrimination is the general public towards a person's attitude is not based on his behavior, but according to his identity. In this case, the legal basis for Zhang belongs to a particular group,
Rather than according to Zhang's work ability and individual performance, to deprive him from eligibility criteria. This is discrimination against the hepatitis B virus carriers in groups apply for civil service discrimination. Discrimination against a person what the consequences are, that is, no matter how hard you from the future, to no avail. Because you are a certain kind of identity (blood, place of birth, height, disease) may be innate, is with your free will and personal struggle irrelevant. The meaning of discrimination is to deny a person's free will and personal struggle. Therefore, discrimination is essentially a desperate force.