
Model : get to school by bike (?) →
How long does it take you to get to school by bike ?
It takes me about 30 minutes to get to school by bike .
1. run one kilometer (?) →
2. take a shower (?) →
3. do homework every day (?) →
4. walk from your house to the nearest river (?) →

1. How long doest it take you to run one kilometer?

It takes me about an hours to run one kilometer.

2. How long does it take you to take a shower?

It takes me about half an hour to take a shower.

3. How long does it take you to do homework every day?

It takes me about two hours to do home work every day.

4. How long does it take you to walk from your house to the nearest river?

It takes me about ten minutes to walk from my house to the nearest river.




    填 between, and 即Where is the bookstore? It's between the school and the library. 书店在哪?它在学校和图书馆之间.

    填cross, 即How do the students cross the river? They go on a ropeway. 学生们怎样过河? 他们通过索道过河.

    填villiage 或country 乡村 即Where does the boy live? He lives in a villiage far from the city. 这个男孩住在哪里? 他住在一个离城市很远的乡村.

    填afraid 害怕的, 即 I'm not afraid of walking alone at night. I think I'm really brave. 我不害怕独自走夜路,我想我真的很勇敢.

    填 boat ,  by boat是坐小船的意思,即The river runs too quickly, so they cannot cross the river by boat. 河水流的很急,所以他们不能坐小船过河.

第1个回答  2013-03-17

1. run one kilometer (?) →
How long does it take you to run one kilometer?
It takes me about five minutes to run one kilometer

2. take a shower (?) →
How long does it take you to take a shower?
It takes me about half a hour to take a shower

3. do homework every day (?) →
How long does it take you to do homework every day?
It takes me about one hour to do homework every day.

4. walk from your house to the nearest river (?) →
How long does it take you to walk from your house to the nearest river?
It takes me about ten minutes to walk from my house to the nearest river
