
7、 预算费用仅供参考,结算时以实际维修费用为淮
8、 贵重物品自行保管,如有遗失本店恕不负责
9、 是否洗车
10、 接待签字
11、 客户签字
12、 合计
13、 其他合计
14、 预算费用
15、 请保管好此单据,凭此单据付款提车
16、 本人同意并授权进行车辆清况
17、 本人同意并接受本单中的各项项目条款
18、 本人同意在必要时,留置车辆于本公司

7, the budget costs are for reference only, and settlement in the maintenance cost of
8, to keep your valuables with you, if lose we won't be responsible for
9,whether wash your cars
10,For signature
11,Customer signature
13,Other total
14,Budget costs
15,Please keep these documents,because you could get your cars with them.
16,I agree and authorize that ……车辆清况自己翻译。。
17,I agree to and accept this list of items clause
18,I agree retaining the cars in our compeny if in need

第1个回答  2011-06-10
7, the budget for reference only, when settle accounts with the actual maintenance costs for approval
8, the valuables retainedby themselves, if lost our shop will not be responsible
9, whether to wash the car
10, receive signature
11, customers sign it
12, total
13, other aggregate
14 and the budget
15, please keep the documents, by this documents the pickup payment
16, I agree to and authorized to conduct the vehicles in qing dynasty
17, I agree to and accept the terms of the single project
18, I agree, when necessary, a lien on the company's vehicles