

下面是一个框架,请加入你的内容, 以及工作收获和感想:) Good luck!

My name is vvvvvv. I was born and growup in vvvv. I was graduated from UIBE with major in Marketing.

After graduation, I have worked for vvvv firms for vvv years. Through my work and social events activities, I achieved an intimate understanding of vvvvv knowledge. I have worked for P & G, CNPC, Siemens and IBM clients to name a few.

I hold a MBA from vvvv University, specializing in Marketing. I speak English and Chinese.
第1个回答  2011-06-13
Good morning,everyone! My name is xxx,I'm ...years old.I'm graduated from xxx(毕业学校名字). My hobby is ...(填你自己的爱好),and I'm good at V-ing(填你的特长).
第2个回答  2011-06-13
Hello,I am a student who named ???,I graduated from ???,which is located on the ???.I like ??? ,???,???and so on,so I am good at ???,???,???.I am outgoing
and It is easy to get on well with me.这些句子没串起来,你可以根据实际情况添加或删减。
第3个回答  2011-06-13