

As contemporary society progresses rapidly, a concerning issue has emerged: a decline in the level of trust among individuals. For instance, when encountering a person soliciting funds for a supposed handicapped leg on the street, we hesitate to determine if they are deceiving us. Furthermore, in the business sector, consumers find it challenging to trust the guarantees provided by merchants. All the aforementioned problems lead to detrimental outcomes. Particularly in the corporate sphere, there is a prevalent trend of dishonesty. Such phenomena make us increasingly cautious about others' promises, no matter how minor. Consequently, this inclination severely impacts the commodity economy. The root cause of these issues lies in the distorted mindset of money worship. There exists a group of individuals who aim to cheat customers by selling counterfeit goods. However, they will inevitably face punishment. Hence, integrity is paramount. In conclusion, as average citizens, we can mitigate the sense of mistrust by dealing with others honestly and extending trust to them.