


1、stared at盯着看

例句:Crusoe stared at the footprint full of fear.克鲁索盯着脚印看,满心恐惧。

2、glare at怒目注视

例句:The father glared at the naughty boy.父亲怒视着那个淘气的男孩。

3、look at看着,望着

例句:As he looked at it the goat rolled over and died.正当他看着山羊的时候,山羊翻了个身就死了。

4、throw at投向,掷向

例句:We had to throw a stone at the dog.我们只好拿石头打狗。

5、rush at冲向

例句:The soldiers stood up and rushed at the enemy.战士们站了起来,朝敌人冲去。

6、run at奔向,袭击

例句:We're thinking of a way to run at the gang.我们正想法去袭击那个匪帮。

7、fly at飞向,扑

例句:The tiger flew at the hunter.老虎向猎人扑来。

8、jump at跳向,欣然接受

例句:Don't jump at a conclusion.切勿轻断。
