英语句子翻译 华山古称西岳,是我国众多名山之一,也是秦岭的一部分。位于陕西省华阴境内。距离省会西

英语句子翻译 华山古称西岳,是我国众多名山之一,也是秦岭的一部分。位于陕西省华阴境内。距离省会西安仅100千米。游客可以乘坐火车 长途汽车到达。大约两小时车程。交通很便利

Xiyue ancient Huashan is one of many mountains, but also part of the Qinling Mountains. Located in Huayin, Shaanxi Province territory. Only 100 km from the provincial capital Xi'an. Visitors can take a train coach arrives. About two hours by car. Traffic is very convenient