初中英语作文:I m Proud of China

要点:1、在北京举行的第29届奥运会中,我国以51枚金牌稳居榜首 2、9月27日,我国航天员翟志刚乘坐“神州七号”顺利升空,并成为中国历史上太空漫步的第一人;为中国所取得的成就感到自豪;4、结合自己的实际情况,谈谈如何为中国更辉煌的未来增添光彩

I m Proud of China
THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA is a country with a long history and ancient civilization. As early as 4,000 BC, there were settlements in the range of Yellow River. Chinese always tell their history from the Xia Dynasty, which began in the 21st century BC and was followed by all the ddynasties until 1911 when Sun Yat-sen was proclaimed the president of the Republic of China. In 1921, the Communist Party of China was founded. After this, the communist cooperated with Sun Yat-sen's Nationalists, but broke with the Nationalist after Sun died. Then the Communist Party began to establish its army, called as Red Army. Shortly before the Anti-Japanese War (1936-1945) the Red Army formally established Through protracted and arduous struggle under the leadership of the party and her chairman, Mao Zedong, the Chinese people founded the People's Republic of China in 1949. After 1949, The People's Republic of China (also called as New China locally) experienced the Korea Wall with Americans, and about 10 years rapid growing period, and then suffered a 3-year long hard time because of natural disasters and withdraw of Soviet Union's aid. From 1966-1976 China had its "Cultural Revolution", a nation-wide movement against feudalism (also including religion) and capitalism. As a result, China's economy was stopped. After 1978, when Mr. Deng Xiaoping came into the top leader, China began a reform and opening program, and has enjoyed a 20 years of rapid development.
第1个回答  2014-02-23
Olympic Games has been finished in China a few days ago, but I still can remember the fantastic openning ceremony of the 29th Olympics, and a foreign friend of mine told me that her mother called her from America said that this opening ceremony is the best one she has ever watched, I'm so proud that I'm a Chinese people, and I felt that I have the responsibility to construct our country more beautiful and strong.