

The Tomb-sweeping Day (about 500 words)
Today is the Tomb-sweeping Day. An ancient poet said, rains fell heavily as Qingming came, the passers-by went along with low spirits. Right on this day, we went to the martyrs’ cemetery to pay our respects . While walking on the road, we saw the land had put on new green clothes. Among the green grass one the roadside, flowers were blossoming in various kinds of colors, red, yellow, purple, etc. Seeing the green grass and beautiful flowers, and we found the scenery pleasant to both our eyes and the minds.
Entering the martyrs’ cemetery, we saw the graves of martyrs. In front of the martyrs’ tombs, there were laid some wreaths, and small white fresh flowers. On the grave stones, the martyrs’ names were engraved. Seeing this, our hearts were filled with grieve and got ups and downs. In front of a tomb, we bowed to the martyrs and presented the flowers. Then, we stood in silent tribute for three minutes. At this moment, our minds surged with emotions, thinking: our happy life today has been brought by the bloods of the revolutionary martyrs. So our hearts were filled with determinations: we should carry out the martyrs’ behests, study hard, strive to become the backbones in our socialist construction
in the future.

清明节作文 (300字 )


我们走在路上, 看到大地都换上了碧绿的新装。路边的绿草中鲜花朵朵,有红的,有绿的,有黄的……看见这些碧绿的青草和和美丽的鲜花,又使我们心旷神怡。

走进了烈士陵园,就看见了烈士们的坟墓。一个个烈士烈士墓前,摆放着看着一个个花圈,还有一朵朵纯洁的小白花,我们看了,不由得心涛起伏。我们在一个烈士墓前,向烈士鞠躬,并且献上了鲜花。此后,我们静默了三分钟。此时我们心潮澎湃,想到 :我们今天的幸福美好生活都是由革命先烈们用他们的鲜血换来的。于是,我的心中起了一个念头:要继承先烈遗志,发奋学习,努力成为建设国家的栋梁。