

中世纪在德国,平安夜的传统是要有一些宗教仪式 - 其中之一是一些绿色装饰物 (后来叫圣诞树)。而这些被认为是亚当和夏娃在伊甸园偷吃禁果的那颗树。长此以往,平安夜也叫做亚当和夏娃节了。参见以下解释。
The Christmas Tree owes its widespread popularity to Germany. In the Middle Ages The Germans would put on a mystery play each December 24th, the feast day of Adam and Eve. The plays invariably featured a decorated evergreen which represented the Tree of Life from which Adam and Eve ate and as a result were banished from the Garden of Eden. Over the centuries the plays and associated festivities strayed from their religious origins and the Church ceased to sponsor them. But the people continued to set up and decorate a tree in their home every year at Christmas. In 1880 glassmakers in Thuringia discovered how to make blown glass balls and bells, which became the decorations used to trim Christmas trees all over the world.