

您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 班戈大学(Bangor University)成立于1884年,有着悠久的历史,原名是北威尔士大学University College of North Wales,。该校会计、银行与金融专业位列全英第一。本文将与大家分享成功申请该校法律专业的优质文书一篇,该专业在2018《卫报》英国法律专业中排在23位,一起来欣赏吧。
I am interested in studying a law degree after attending the local courts to observe law in action. I was intrigued by the roles of the different advocates for the defence and prosecution and the position of the defendant in the process. Following the experiences of observing cases, I believe my experience of ethics study and further philosophical underpinnings of A Level Religious Studies have given me the understanding of the issues of morality, justice, moral positions and ethical solutions within society. I am enthusiastic about studying law at university.
In studying ethics I have been particularly interested in ethical theories like Utilitarianism and Situation ethics which all attempt to answer ethical dilemmas and create a basis for ethical decision making. This has given me an interest in ethical solutions which is why I want to study law. Further in my studies of RS I have recognised the importance of understanding different cultures, belief systems and historically important figures such as Aristotle and Karl Marx who have all impacted on my opinions and ideas and given me stronger understanding of how the world operates.
I feel that the historical perspectives attained through studying at modern history in terms of the events contributing towards the Russian revolution and the establishment of the Nazi movement pre-World War II will help me in considering the importance of the role of law within the establishment of society.
【对留学申请流程有疑问?访问我们的专业网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 获取详细指南,小钟老师随时准备帮助您!】
My studies in A Level English Language have helped me appreciate the role of power positions and the interplay of language in the establishment of roles and the interplay of roles within communication. As such the role of advocacy might draw from both the written and spoken word and appreciation of the nature of language in its interpretation in action.
Out of school I enjoy developing my skills as a magician, which I feel demonstrates my aptitude, dedication and application of learning as I have been accepted as a member of the Ipswich Magic Society (and hope to join the Magic Circle now I am 18). This involves my attendance at Magic Society meetings and interaction with magicians across the region who are both my seniors and more experienced as professional magicians within the community. Within my role as a magician, I have gained considerable interpersonal skills working with individuals and crowds by entertaining at local charitable events such as the Framlingham annual ‘Sausage Fest’.
I have provided entertainment and employment through card skills mastery for birthday parties, local entertainment nights and the school annual ‘Summer Fun Evening’. Within the magic society I am required to learn new tricks and perform within the monthly show nights to develop my standing within the magician community. I am an established guitarist and have performed solo at the local Open Mic circuit and at birthday parties accompanying singers. In addition to attaining a high level of accomplishment, I have performed at public houses, at my school prom, Christmas and summer church festivals and many family events. I have played football for local teams at league level since I was 10. This has involved travel around the county and play against and with team members from a variety of teams over the last decade. In addition I am a member of the gym which I attend regularly for weight lifting and fitness training. During sixth form I have been working for my father in the family business which has given me experience in terms.
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