

(1)我还没有打定主意: I haven't made up my mind.
(2)这本书不是我的:The book is not mine.
(3)我们应该利用好每一分钟:We should make good use of every minute.
(4)那个女人被判死刑:The woman was sentenced to death.
第1个回答  2010-12-09
i haven't dedided now,
that's not my book
we should make full use of every minute.
that women was sentenced to death.
第2个回答  2010-12-09
(1)I have not made up my mind.
(2)This book is not mine.
(3)We should make good use of every minute.
(4)The woman was sentenced to death.
第3个回答  2010-12-09
1. I have not made decision yet.
2. This book is not mine.
3. We should make use of every minute.
4. That woman was sentenced to death.
第4个回答  2010-12-09
1,I haven't made up my mind. 2, This book isn't mine. 3, We should utilize our time more fully. 4, She was sentenced to death for her behavior.
第5个回答  2010-12-09
I have not decided yet

I did not write this book

We should make use of every minute

That woman was declared a death sentence.