求英语作文与对话 作文:MY UNIVERSITY LIFE(150字) 对话:同意大学生找兼职工作吗


My University Life

When I was younger, I have always dreamt of coming into a university. And now I am in one. Oh my, university life is so different from life in primary school or high school. It is much more liberal and vibrant. The first difference is that you would go to different classrooms for different lessons. This way, each classroom can be furnished more to the purpose of the lessons. And as a student, I think it is nice since one eventually get bored when one has to sit in the same classroom for four years. The lessons themselves are more in depth and I find that the atmosphere during a lesson is more relaxed. In high school, we are being treated like little children who have to follow every instructions of the teacher; but in the university, I feel that I am being more respected and treated as an adult. But that means that I must also shoulder the corresponding responsibility. I need to study hard and learn more skills in the university so that I could be ready to go into the society when I graduate.

Topic: should university students find part time jobs? (Jane and Tom are both University students discussing this topic)
Jane: Tom, do you think students like us should go outside and find part time jobs when we don’t have studies to do?

Tom: Well, I think that it might interfere with your studies, wouldn’t it?

Jane: I agree, it does take away some of your time and attention. But you can make more money!

Tom: That is true as well. After all, a lot of students come from families that are not that prosperous, and if they find jobs, they can certainly help their parents.

Jane: But I am sure most of the parents would rather that you stay at the school ad study well.

Tom: But what about the working experience that you are gaining? Part time jobs gives you experience on how to deal with people such as bosses, colleagues and customers. This is an important skill that you cannot learn in school.

Jane: And it’s an essential skill we all need sooner or later.

Tom: So, yeah. I suppose that we should get part time jobs.

Jane: That’s right. Now I am convinced too. Do you want to go looking for one this weekend?

Tom: Sure.
第1个回答  2010-12-25