
那一天,我的一个老同学的家刚刚装修好 ,邀请我去他家参观,他和我聊了很多家庭上的烦恼,还有丈母娘对他的不信任。 聊了一会,我走到窗户那里,忽然发觉外面已经下着倾盆大雨了,正好那时候,我带着相机,然后,我看见高楼下的几个人在奔跑,我觉得我因该拍下来,因为下雨天的照片,我还没怎么拍过,于是,这张照片就这样诞生了,在面对倾盆大雨的时候,有一个工人选择躲在亭子里面,有二个工人则是拼命往前跑,这是他们面对恶劣环境的不同选择,没有谁对,没有谁错,我觉得这是本能反应。

The other day, one of my old schoolmates invited to his home which had just been decorated. We chatted about many family matters including his mother-in-law's distrust in him. After a while, I walked up to the window and found that it was raining cats and dogs outside. I saw some people running downstairs and I thought I should take some photos of them, because I had just a camera brought with me and I hadn't many chances of shooting photos of raining days. That's how this photo was created. When facing heavy rain, a worker chose to hide under a pavilion, while another was running forward as fast as he could. These were different choices under difficult situations, and no rights or wrongs can be judged. I reckoned these are basic instincts.
第1个回答  2017-10-20

用过了 但是我感觉很生硬 因为是参加比赛 所以希望语言生动一点。
请尽快回答 这个马上要截稿了 所以很快问题就会关闭,谢谢