



1. 制造或创造:

- She makes beautiful pottery.(她制作出漂亮的陶器。)

- The carpenter makes custom furniture.(木匠制作定制家具。)

2. 形成或产生:

- Hard work makes success.(努力工作会带来成功。)

- The rain makes the flowers grow.(雨水使花朵生长。)

3. 完成或实现:

- He made his dream come true.(他实现了他的梦想。)

- I will make it to the top of the mountain.(我会成功登上山顶。)

4. 引起或导致:

- The loud noise made everyone jump.(巨大的噪音让每个人都跳了起来。)

- The sad news made her cry.(这个悲伤的消息让她哭了。)

5. 变成或变得:

- The caterpillar will make a butterfly.(毛毛虫会变成蝴蝶。)

- The cold weather made the lake freeze.(寒冷的天气使湖面结冰。)

6. 做饭或准备食物:

- She makes delicious meals for her family.(她为家人做了美味的饭菜。)

- Can you make me a cup of tea?(你能给我泡杯茶吗?)

7. 指定或任命:

- The boss made him the team leader.(老板任命他为团队负责人。)

- They made her the president of the company.(他们任命她为公司总裁。)
