

第1个回答  2024-06-07
1. Tianya Haijiao Scenic Area: Nestled in the Tianya District of Sanya City, Hainan Province, approximately 23 kilometers southwest of the city center, this national AAAA-level tourist attraction faces the vast ocean and is backed by the Malingshan Mountain. It features a bay with numerous large and small stones protruding from the sand, including the famous "Tianya Stone," "Haijiao Stone," "RiYue Stone," and "Nantian Yizhu." These formations are complemented by various inscriptions carved into the stones, including the earliest inscription from the Qing Dynasty, "Hai Pian Nan Tian," written by Yue Zhuang, the governor of Yanshou at the time.
2. Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone: This destination is highlighted by the Nanshan Temple, the 108-meter tall Guanyin Statue at sea, the Unified Gate, the Guanyin Culture Exhibition Area, the Thirty-three Guanyin Hall, the Indian Footprint, the Buddhist Scenic Spot, the Ten Direction Pagoda Forest and the Return Root Garden, the Buddhist Cultural Exchange Center, and a vegetarian food and shopping street. The Guanyin Statue, crafted from gold and jade, stands out as a highlight and is renowned as the island's treasure.
3. Luhuitou Park: This park is famous for the deer sculpture at its peak. From the top of Luhuitou Park, visitors can enjoy views of Dong Island and Xi Island in the South China Sea. Luhuitou Park is themed on love culture and ecological display, featuring attractions such as the Fengtian Platform, Deer Yard, slides, the Purple Qi Eastcoming Pavilion, the Love Culture Park, the Li Ethnic Dance Performance, the Deer Turning Back Sculpture, the山顶花园, and the Beiting Observation Platform.
4. West Island: Also known as玳瑁岛, West Island is located within the Sanya Bay National Nature Reserve, covering an area of 2.68 square kilometers. The island boasts beautiful scenery, fresh air, soft beaches, and crystal-clear waters. The surrounding seabed is home to a vast array of stunning corals, which are well-preserved.
5. Daxiaodongtian Scenic Area: Formerly known as Haishan Qiguan Scenic Area, this site is located in the southwest of Nanshan, 40 kilometers west of the Sanya urban area. Covering an area of 22.5 square kilometers, the scenic area has a history of over 800 years and is a renowned Taoist cultural attraction.
Sources:百度百科-天涯海角风景区, 百度百科-南山文化旅游区, 百度百科-鹿回头山顶公园, 百度百科-西岛, 百度百科-大小洞天