求 大连市副市长在“城市节约用水国际讨论会”上的欢迎词 的英文翻译




大连是中国严重缺水城市之一。从1954年起, 大连市就开展了城市计划节约用水工作,为保证城市的安全供水做出了贡献,曾两次被国家授予“节约用水先进城市”的光荣称号。但是,与国内外先进城市相比,我们的工作还有一定差距。这次会议,为我们提供了一次极好的机会,我们要虚心学习国内外的先进经验,认真对照经验找差距,促进我们的工作。大连市人民政府已把解决城市用水问题列为城市发展纲要的重要内容之一,并采取切实有效的措施。在抓紧兴建城市水源工程的同时,进一步深化城市节水工作。市政府提出要始终坚持“开源与节流并重”的方针,要在城市供水形势缓和的情况下丝毫不放松节水工作,为尽快把大连建设成节水型城市而奋斗。



Every representative, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends:

Firstly, on behalf of dalian municipal government and dalian peoples of "urban water saving international symposium held in dalian, to express our heartfelt congratulations to attend workshops welcome friends at home and abroad.

Dalian is China's serious water-shortage cities. Since 1954, dalian is carried out within urban plan to save water, to assure city work made a contribution of safe water, twice by the national award "to save water advanced city" the glorious titles. But, with the domestic and international advanced compared to the city, our work has a certain disparity. This conference, offers us an excellent opportunity to, we should learn overseas advanced experience, carefully controlled experience find gap and promote our work. Dalian municipal people's government has to solve the problem of urban water as urban development outline one of important content, and take effective measures. Try to build urban water resources project at the same time, further deepening city water-saving work. Municipal government proposed must always adhere to the "open source and throttling equal emphasis on" the policy, should be in urban water supply situation ease cases hasn't relax water-saving work as soon as possible, build dalian into the water-saving-type city and struggle.

This international symposium, and to promote the plan to save water work has the very vital significance. Hope organization of the conference departments and units concerned, warm and thoughtful and fulfill service work, make this meeting achieve desired results.

Finally I wish "urban water saving international forum a complete success.