求一篇英语作文 关于救助灾区的

1 应关心西部贫困儿童
2 节约每一分钱,尽力帮助贫困儿童
3 捐赠图书或杂志,或其他学习用品
4 写信等方式互相鼓励和帮助
注意:1 词数:120词左右,开头已给出,不计入总次数
2 内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯
3 发起一项活动 launch a campaign

A Proposal to help poor children
Dear classmates and schoolmates,
We are studying happily in our school but many poor students have dropped out of school because they have not enough money to continue school. As we are living under the same blue sky, we should be concerned about them and do something for them. So today,as chairman of the students' union ,I advocate saving every coin to help them. We can donate books, magazines or other school supplies . We can also write letters to comfort them or encourage them.
In a word, we should do our best to help those poor children who have dropped out of school. Let's launch the campaign today.Thank you!
