

1. 他轻轻走出教室,因为他惟恐打扰了他人.
He went out of the classroom quietly ____________________________________________.
2. 在下雨,恐怕火车不能准点到了。
It’s raining. ____________________________________________. on time.
3. 今天他早起了一点,这样上学就不会迟到了。
He got up a little earlier so that ____________________________________________.
4. 帮助别人也会给我们自己带来很多快乐。
Helping others ____________________________________________.
5. 大部分青少年喜欢上网。
Most of the teenagers ____________________________________________.
6. 你介意帮我一把吗?盒子太沉了。
____________________________________________.? The box is too heavy.
7. 现在已是春天,天气越来越暖和了。
It’s spring now. The weather ____________________________________________.
8. 我们每天都应该帮父母做家务。
We’re supposed to____________________________________________.
9. 你愿意花时间志愿帮助老人吗?
____________________________________________. help the old?
10. 我喜欢流行歌曲。他们总让我激动。
I like pop songs. They always ____________________________________________.
11. Sam喜欢运动,而Tom喜欢静静地读书。
Sam likes playing sports, ____________________________________________.
12. 我们来踢足球吧。
--- ____________________________________________.
--- I’m a little tired. ____________________________________________. for a while.
13. 大部分人都喜欢音乐。有的人喜欢可以随之哼唱的音乐,有的人则喜欢可以随之起舞的音乐。
Most people like music. ____________________________________________.they can sing
along with, ____________________________________________.
14. 我刚才听见有人在走廊大声说话。
I ____________________________________________. in the hallways just now.
15. 连续学习三个多小时后,Amy停下来休息。
After____________________________________________. for more than three hours, Amy ____________________________________________.
16. 别爬树了。危险。
____________________________________________.It’s dangerous!
17. 下周日是妈妈的生日了。给她一个让她想不到的礼物如何
Next Sunday is mother’s birthday. ____________________________________________.?
18. 您能给我们一些假期的建议吗?
____________________________________________. for the vacation?

1. He went out of the classroom quietly because he was afraid of troubling others.
2. It’s raining. I’m afraid that the train can’t arrive on time.
3. He got up a little earlier so that he wouldn’t be late for school today.
4. Helping others brings us a lot of happiness as well.
5. Most of the teenagers enjoy surfing the Internet.
6. Do you mind giving me a hand? The box is too heavy.
7. It’s spring now. The weather is getting warmer and warmer.
8. We’re supposed to help parents do some chores every day.
9. Would you like to volunteer your time to help the old?
10. I like pop songs. They always make me excited.
11. Sam likes playing sports, while Tom enjoys reading quietly.
12. --- Let’s play football.
--- I’m a little tired. I like to sleep for a while.
13. Most people like music. Some like music they can sing along with, others like music they can
dance to.
14. I heard someone talk loudly in the hallways just now.
15. After keeping studying for more than three hours, Amy stopped to have a rest.
16. Stop climbing the tree. It’s dangerous!
17. Next Sunday is mother’s birthday. How about giving her a surprise gift?
18. Could you please give us some suggestions for the vacation?

be afraid of doing sth / that
be famous / late / ready / sorry for
buy / give /show / send / pass / bring / lend / tell sb sth
enjoy / hate / finish / mind / keep / go on doing sth
get + 比较级
help sb (to) do / help sb with
Would you like to …?
keep / make sth + adj.
like to do / like doing
make / let sb (not) do sth
One … the other … / Some … others …
see / hear sb do (doing) sth
stop to do / stop doing
What about / How about …?
Will (Would, Could) you please …?