

第1个回答  2024-02-29
1. 明代御林军刀
御林军刀,现代称之为苗刀。这种刀型源于明朝抗倭名将戚继光对日本长刀技法的研究与创新, resulting in the creation of the Qi family刀。 The刀形 is narrow and long, featuring a curved arc, while the handle is also relatively long, allowing for dual-hand grip. During the 39th year of the Jiajing reign of the Ming dynasty, Qi Jiguang compiled the "Xinxiu Sword Technique." "Qi's Army" officers trained according to this technique and demonstrated great skill in the anti-Japanese war.
2. 苗刀(仿古)
Such long swords were already present in the Han dynasty. They were early referred to as long swords, double-edged swords, single-edged swords, and many other names. To distinguish them from other types of swords, they were named "Miao swords" during the Republic of China period.
3. 明代绣春刀 飞鱼服
In the Ming dynasty, the Xiuchun dagger was not exclusive to the JinYiGuard. Officers of the imperial guard and other elite forces could also be equipped with it, and civil and military ministers would be granted the Xiuchun dagger when accompanying the emperor's chariot.
4. 明朝柳皮山叶刀
This sword was named "Willow Leaf Sword" due to its similarity to the shape of a willow leaf. The Ming infantry was heavily equipped with this sword. Its gentle curve along the blade reduces resistance and increases the slicing force of the sword. Compared to Japanese swords, the blade width is also quite broad. Typically, two swords were used together, being lighter but not as hard as ordinary swords. The main difference between the Willow Leaf Sword and the Wild Goose Sword is that the former starts to curve from the base of the blade, while the latter curves from two-thirds of the blade towards the top. The Willow Leaf Sword has a larger arc, a wider tip, and the Wild Goose Sword has a smaller arc, a narrower and slightly upward-curving tip.
5. 明·雁翎刀
"The general is born with heroic courage, his waist equipped with a wild goose-shaped feather dagger!" The Wild Goose Feather Dagger has a long and elegant posture, with a tidy and powerful blood groove, sharp edge, and beautiful shape, suitable for both practical combat and court etiquette.
6. 明·雁翅刀
1. A Wild Goose Wing Dagger from the late Ming to the early Qing dynasty, with a blade length of 7-8 centimeters, copper alloy with gilded fittings, high relief dragon patterns, and exquisite workmanship, indicating a high status. (Collection of Mr. Song Zifeng)
2. A Wild Goose Wing Dagger from the late Ming to the early Qing dynasty, with exquisite workmanship, square fitting, and well-preserved fittings. (Collection of Mr. Huangfu Jiang)
3. A Wild Goose Wing Dagger from the late Ming to the early Qing dynasty, with the blade sectioned by blood grooves and inlaid with seven stars, square fitting, copper alloy with gilded fittings. (Collection of Mr. Liang Yibing)
4. A Wild Goose Wing Dagger from the late Ming to the early Qing dynasty, with an elegant posture, the blade's blood groove neat and tidy, especially the upper fine blood groove, opening so smoothly and parallel to the back edge, which is not easy to achieve.
7. 明·短刀-1
The short swords popular in the southwestern region of the Ming dynasty, with an S-shaped guard, can parry and lock the enemy's weapons. In addition, there were official-made short swords for cavalry use.
8. 明·短刀-2
In the "Military Equipment" by Mao Yuanxi, a Ming dynasty official, it was believed that eight types of military swords commonly used by the Song army (hand swords, draw swords, bend swords, crescent swords,戟 swords, hook swords, plume swords, and pen swords) had been reduced to only four in the Ming dynasty: "long swords, short swords, hook swords, and crescent swords. The latter is used for exercises to show strength and is not suitable for the battlefield."
9. 明·腰刀
The length of the Ming dynasty waist dagger is mostly between 70 to 80 centimeters, with no reverse edge or blood groove on the blade, a straight handle, and a wakizashi-style blade tip, capable of cutting and piercing armor.
10. 万历十年登州戚氏军刀
After the Jiajing period, the Ming army began to widely equip this type of waist dagger. The waist dagger was often used in conjunction with rattan shields, hence the name "waist dagger with rattan shield."
11. 明代的双手镐造刀
In the Ming dynasty, low-carbon steel containing charcoal was heated and repeatedly folded andforged to make the impurities precipitate out, and then high-carbon steel was inserted to make the blade. After hardening and forging, the Ming dynasty刀剑 achieved a balance of hardness and flexibility, reaching the highest level of forging technology.
12. 明代宝剑上的旋焊马齿夹钢工艺
The manufacturing technology of Ming dynasty刀剑 improved significantly compared to previous dynasties, not only innovating but also introducing and absorbing advanced techniques from foreign tribes, achieving the goal of "learning from the strengths of others to outdo them." The basic technique of Ming dynasty刀剑 was the traditional embedded steel and laminated steel, which matured continuously since the Sui and Tang dynasties and reached its peak in the Ming dynasty.
13. 明代钢剑
This shows that the Ming dynasty刀剑 were indeed superior to those of previous dynasties and did not lose to the Western and Eastern regions. If not for the popularity of firearms and the development of Western and modern technology, the Ming dynasty刀剑 could have continued to shine and create the brilliance of steel weapons.
14. 英国博物馆明朝永乐大帝的宝剑
This sword was manufactured in the early 15th century and was a gift from the Ming dynasty's Yongle Emperor to a high lama in Tibet, making it an outstanding artwork. The blade is made of high-quality steel forged and folded, possibly using the spin welding technique, with intricate and vivid patterns. The middle of the blade has a spine to increase strength, simple yet classic. The scabbard has a checkerboard pattern and embossed patterns. This sword has a strong Tibetan style. The outer casing is gilded heavily and is perfectly preserved.
15. 明·努尔哈赤剑
This sword was a gift from the Ming dynasty to Nurhachi when he was promoted to "Longhu General" in the border guard.