跪求英语口语三人对话 关于面试官想要从求职者了解的信息和如何准备一个面试 各位大侠帮帮忙昂


2。谦虚, 礼貌, 友善但要自信。
3. 写一个较客观全面的"履历", 要英文的 (参考如何写英文履历).
4. 如果你的英文口语不太好, 不要怕, 他们明白的.
5. 周密考虑你所申请的工作需要哪些工作能力, 以便可以充分准备,应答.

1。where did you graduate from? what was your major in university?
2. what kind of job did you have previously? If you had a job before, why did you quit?
3. what are some of the achievements or experience you have had so far at school and/or in work place?
4. Do you have any hobby or interest beside work? (they'll try to find out if you are a loner or team player)

一个可能的对话情形可以是:你=you,他们=them 他们之一= One of them or One
You: Hello everyone, how are you (主动伸手和他们握手, 不要显得胆怯)
them: how are you.
One: I see you applying for the job of ......., what makes you think you can do the job?
You: Well, I have done this and that (examples) and besides I am a fast learner.
One: If we offer you the job, how do you plan to do it?
You: First, I'll get myself familiarized with my new colleagues and the company's requirements. And then, I'll spend the first week or two, depending on the complexity of the job, get myself involved in all aspects of my job so that I can be functional in the shortest possible time.
One: Ok, good. Welcome to the party!
You: Thank you very much.
One: Congratulations.
You: Thanks and I'll do my best in my new position.

对话可以很长或很短, 很难假设. 只要你充分准备, 就应有好效果. 要保持微笑, 谦虚又自信的态度, 并显露出你具有"团队精神"的特质, 你在学校或工内作外参加的团体活动或运动项目, 都可以说明你的团队精神或"领导"才能. 积极主动, 替公司着想的工作道德也是你的有力工具. 现在有太多年轻人,只看报酬, 没有积极替公司着想,掌握真正本领的态度. 所以, 你要利用他们这个缺点, 显出你的长处. 真正得到公司委以重任的机会.
