
1、It is vitalthat we take time to clarify our terms, because the definitions we adopt colourthe way we think about the key theoretical problems associated with the subject.
2、We do notassociate HRM solely with a high-commitment model of labour management or with anyparticular ideology or style of management. High-commitment strategies doexist, but we are also concerned with the many cases in which management ispursuing perform once goals through lower levels of attachment or is seeking tomanage a complex, segmented workforce through variable levels of commitment(Boxall 1996; Purcell 1996, 1999a).
3、To produce better theory and enable better practice, the academic discipline of HRMshould identify and evaluate the variety of management styles that exist incontemporary workplaces.


1.花点时间来说明我们的术语对我们来说是很重要的,因为我们所采用的定义将 丰富我们对这一关键性理论难题的思考/为我们对这一关键性理论难题的思考添彩。
2.我们并没有就 劳动管理/劳资 的 投入/高承诺 (没搞清楚)模式、独有的意识形态或管理方法单独联系人资经理。高承诺战略不存在,但我们也会考虑到很多情况,例如资方只是一味追求业绩, 而一旦(人们)为达标而降低对附件的标准或通过各级间的委托寻求去对复杂而又被分割开来的全体员工进行管理。(......)

有的地方会有不通顺 请见谅哈 你在自己读读 应该能把大致意思理解了就好
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