(乒乓球运动的起源有很多种说法,而最为流行的说法是:乒乓球运动于19世纪末起源于英国,是由网球 运

(乒乓球运动的起源有很多种说法,而最为流行的说法是:乒乓球运动于19世纪末起源于英国,是由网球 运动派生而来的。据说,在19世纪末的一天,伦敦遇到少有的闷热。两个英国上流社会贵族青年看过温布尔顿网球赛后,到一家上等饭馆的单间去吃饭。先是用雪茄烟的木盒盖当扇子,继而讨论网球技战术,捡起香槟酒的软木酒瓶塞当球,以大餐桌当球台,中间拉一细绳为网,用烟盒盖当作球拍打球。侍者在一旁喝彩,闻声赶来的女店主见此情景,不禁脱口喊出“TABLE TENNIS”,这一声将乒乓球命名为“桌上网球”。)这一句话用英语怎么翻译  

(the origin of table tennis has many versions, and the most popular argument is: table tennis at the end of the nineteenth Century originated in Britain, is derived from tennis to. Reportedly, one day in late nineteenth Century, London had a rare hot. Two British upper class aristocratic youth saw Wimbledon tennis match, to the room a classy restaurant to eat. First with a cigar box covers the fan, and then discuss tennis technique and tactics, cork bottle their ball picked up the champagne, the table when the table, pull a string for the middle, with a cigarette case cover as a racket. The waiter there to applaud, female shop ideas heard here this scene, can not help but blurt out "TABLE TENNIS", the sound of the table tennis named "table tennis")
第1个回答  2021-04-15

第2个回答  2021-04-15

